See, I Told You So: Social Issues Didn’t Drive Independents Away from GOP Apr 26, 2012RUSH: I want to take you back to this program February, this year, mere weeks ago. I was talking...
A Passionate Small Business Owner on the Inspiring Story of Spanx Inventor Sara Blakely Apr 26, 2012RUSH: Pasadena, California. This is Tamara, and I am glad you called. Hi.CALLER: Hey, Rush. Good...
Obama EPA Official Vows to “Crucify” Oil and Gas Industry Apr 26, 2012RUSH: “Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) took to the Senate floor today to draw attention to a video...
Romney Could Win in a Landslide Apr 26, 2012RUSH: Look, I know. I’m a lone wolf. I’m really a lone wolf on what I’m gonna tell you. Some of...
Left Beside Itself Over Obama Regime’s Performance at the Supreme Court Apr 26, 2012RUSH: The media is beside itself over the government’s performance at the Supreme Court yesterday...
Drive-By Media Can’t Spin Unemployment Numbers Anymore Apr 26, 2012RUSH: People are asking me, “Are you okay?” I’m fine. Brian thinks people think I...
Hillary and Huma Do the TIME 100 Bash, Hold Meeting with the Inventor of Spanx Apr 26, 2012RUSH: Why are you frowning? What are you frowning about? Well, because I’m reading some stuff...
Caller’s Oil Job Exported to Mexico Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Matt in Tyner, North Carolina. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:...
Barry Admit a Mistake? Why? He’s Never Made One! Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Tim in Santa Barbara, California, great to have you, sir. Hi.CALLER: Hello, Rush! Yeah, the...
Immigration News All Bad for Democrats Apr 25, 2012RUSH: From the Washington Times, oral arguments — a little tease here — oral...
Did Obama Jump the Shark on Fallon? Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Fortuna, California. Hi, Denise. Tell me your last name is not Ilitch!CALLER: (laughing) No,...
Rush Babies Produce Brilliant Video Apr 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great video. I had some of the audio from it yesterday, didn’t get to it, so I’ve...
Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this...
Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on...
Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas...
Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the...
How My Dad Viewed My Unconventional Career — and What It Has to Do with Modern-Day Democrats Apr 24, 2012RUSH: Here’s Jack in Cleveland. Jack, I’m glad you waited. Great to have you on the EIB Network....
Don’t Let Politics Interfere with Your Love for a Sports Team Apr 24, 2012On April 25, We issued a Clarification to this transcript: Mike Illitch and the Detroit Tigers Did...
Obama Would Rather Forgive Student Loans Than Create Jobs for Graduates Apr 24, 2012RUSH: Here it is from the AP: “One in two new graduates are jobless or underemployed.”...
Where The Oprah Went Wrong Apr 24, 2012RUSH: Now, Snerdley said something. We talked about Oprah a couple of weeks ago. I raised the...