
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: I didn’t know this until my brother sent me a YouTube link today. Herman Cain tested Two If By Tea and liked it, and there’s a YouTube video of it. Here is the audio. It happened in March at Wake Forest, North Carolina. It was a fundraising event for Bill Randall, who’s running for the US Congressional District 13 seat there. Herman Cain endorsed him and was doing an appearance for him, and Bill Randall handed Herman Cain a bottle of Two If By Tea and asked him for his reaction to it. Now, this coulda gone either way. Now, Herman Cain and I are good buds, but Herman knows iced tea. He was in the restaurant business. Herman knows. He’s from the South, and the southern people know iced tea. This, we didn’t know was happening. Now, you’ve gotta see the video because Herman really gives it the old taste test in there. He swishes it around like it’s Listerine. But here’s how it sounded.

RANDALL: I’m gonna ask you genuinely, just get to your reaction.

CAIN: All right.

RANDALL: Taste it for the first time.

CAIN: Two If By Tea! (laughing)

RANDALL: Want to take a quick taste?

CAIN: Mr. Limbaugh, this is for you. (swigs and swishes the tea) Being a man from the South, I know good sweet tea. And this is good sweet tea! (chuckling) Good job! (chuckling) It is good. It is good.

RUSH: Herman sounds surprised. “It is good! It is good!” So Herman Cain… (laughing) Yeah. Herman Cain is an unpaid endorser, unpaid spokesman, one-time spokesman for Two If By Tea. By the way, speaking of Two If By Tea, you might recall we had just last week our first Tea Season promo. We did it on April 17th, about nine days ago. And we are going to be contacting the grand prize winners very soon. Just to give you a heads-up, a little tease. For example, if you are listening: Dee Dee in Texas, stay by your phone. Just a little tease. Just a little tease… (interruption) That’s the point! (laughing) Snerdley says, “That could be half the population in some towns in Texas.”

Dee Dee in Texas?

How many Dee Dees are now standing by their phones?

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