Caller’s Oil Job Exported to Mexico Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Matt in Tyner, North Carolina. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:... Barry Admit a Mistake? Why? He’s Never Made One! Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Tim in Santa Barbara, California, great to have you, sir. Hi.CALLER: Hello, Rush! Yeah, the... Immigration News All Bad for Democrats Apr 25, 2012RUSH: From the Washington Times, oral arguments — a little tease here — oral... Did Obama Jump the Shark on Fallon? Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Fortuna, California. Hi, Denise. Tell me your last name is not Ilitch!CALLER: (laughing) No,... Rush Babies Produce Brilliant Video Apr 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great video. I had some of the audio from it yesterday, didn’t get to it, so I’ve... Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this... Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May » Pin It on Pinterest
Barry Admit a Mistake? Why? He’s Never Made One! Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Tim in Santa Barbara, California, great to have you, sir. Hi.CALLER: Hello, Rush! Yeah, the... Immigration News All Bad for Democrats Apr 25, 2012RUSH: From the Washington Times, oral arguments — a little tease here — oral... Did Obama Jump the Shark on Fallon? Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Fortuna, California. Hi, Denise. Tell me your last name is not Ilitch!CALLER: (laughing) No,... Rush Babies Produce Brilliant Video Apr 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great video. I had some of the audio from it yesterday, didn’t get to it, so I’ve... Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this... Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May » Pin It on Pinterest
Immigration News All Bad for Democrats Apr 25, 2012RUSH: From the Washington Times, oral arguments — a little tease here — oral... Did Obama Jump the Shark on Fallon? Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Fortuna, California. Hi, Denise. Tell me your last name is not Ilitch!CALLER: (laughing) No,... Rush Babies Produce Brilliant Video Apr 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great video. I had some of the audio from it yesterday, didn’t get to it, so I’ve... Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this... Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May » Pin It on Pinterest
Did Obama Jump the Shark on Fallon? Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Fortuna, California. Hi, Denise. Tell me your last name is not Ilitch!CALLER: (laughing) No,... Rush Babies Produce Brilliant Video Apr 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great video. I had some of the audio from it yesterday, didn’t get to it, so I’ve... Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this... Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May »
Rush Babies Produce Brilliant Video Apr 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great video. I had some of the audio from it yesterday, didn’t get to it, so I’ve... Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this... Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May »
Obama on El Rushbo in Rolling Stone Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama sat for an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and in this... Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May »
Clarification: Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama Apr 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, yesterday we took two calls, and I felt very badly about that. There were people on... Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May »
Democrats Intentionally Wrote Law to Make Student Loan Interest Rates Double in Election Year Apr 25, 2012RUSH: This is AP story: “[Y]ounger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas... Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May »
Obama Slow-Jams the News to Woo Youth Vote, But Young People Live in the Obama Economy Too Apr 25, 2012RUSH: What a terrific speech by Romney last night. The speech that essentially inaugurates the... ARCHIVES CALENDAR April 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 « Mar May »