
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Last week, folks, I told you that Two If By Tea grand prize sweepstakes winners were here at the Southern Command. We had eight of them in here. We had ’em for a day and a half. They came in, they watched the program. We took ’em to dinner at the Flagler Steakhouse over at The Breakers, and they got a bonus. Snerdley, you don’t know this, but I went over there, I crashed dinner. You know, these people, they were shocked that I would walk into a restaurant alone without security. They were blown away. I gave them all iPhones, iPhone 4Ss.

originalAnyway, the whole point of reminding you of this is that it’s tea season again and we are gonna be kicking off with a special promotion called The Ride of a Lifetime sweepstakes in honor of Paul Revere day. I’m gonna have the details later in the program as it unfolds, but basically what this is, is a trip to Boston for two winners of four each, four people times two. We don’t send two people someplace, we send four, in case somebody wants to take the kids or the family or whatever. In fact, you can see all about this now at TwoIfByTea.com, if you want to go there now and look at it, but details are coming. There’s some other winners, prizes as well in addition to the two grand prizes.

Boston’s a great place, a tourist place, yeah, it is. Kathryn and I were there last summer for Mrs. Kraft’s funeral, and we spent the weekend. That was my first Apple store. We drove by a lot of places. It was the hottest weekend of the year, we had a nice hotel and I demanded that we take advantage of it. But we did walk down the street to a pub and then went to the Apple store. It was my first Apple store and it was on Boylston St. But historically, founding of the country, we’re trying to save the country, Boston’s the place to send people. Absolutely. That’s why we’re doing it. Rush Revere, sending people to do Paul Revere’s ride.


RUSH: For those of you new to the program, TwoIfByTea.com is the best iced tea in this country. It’s the best-flavored ice tea. It’s the best. It’s just the best. From the regular, to the raspberry, to the peach, to the blueberry, it’s just unbeatable, and it’s all available at TwoIfByTea.com. It features me. It’s my tea. It features me on the label as Rush Revere. And last week, we told you that we had some grand prize sweepstakes winners in here at the Southern Command to meet me and the staff and to watch the program. There were eight of them. They were all incredible people and had a great time hanging out here at the studio.

Well, it’s tea season now. We’re getting into the spring and coming up on the Memorial Day, Fourth of July. It’s Tea Season, if you will. And we are kicking it off with a special promotion called The Ride of a Lifetime Sweepstakes in honor of Paul Revere Day. Here’s the deal. Starting right now through tomorrow at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, you have the chance to win a special, full, all-expenses-paid trip to New England, the home of our good buddy Paul Revere. You’ll ride through the streets of historic Boston. You’ll visit iconic landmarks, such as the Old North Church and the Freedom Trail. While we’re struggling to hold onto our founding, what could be better than a trip to where history was made?

Where our Founding Fathers took a stance to protect the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the birthplace of the now-famous brand: Two If By Tea. “One if by land, two if by sea.” This is Two If By Tea. We’re gonna have two grand prize winners. Each grand prize consists of a trip for four people. That’s right: Four people per trip! It’s perfect for a family or group of friends. Most people that give away trips do it for two. Not us. We do it for four. And there are two grand prize winners, so we’re gonna be sending eight people on this trip. The prize includes round trip airfare to Boston; three days and two nights at a well-known, prestigious hotel (a hotel I would stay in, by the way); dinner at a landmark restaurant in Boston; and, of course, a fully detailed tour of the city.

Grand prize winners from previous sweepstakes can attest that everything we do here at Two If By Tea is top notch. In addition to that, there will be six second-place winners. Each of them receives a Rush Revere Treasure Chest made up of Two If By Tea memorabilia and a brand-new Apple iPod. Now, to enter, all you do is visit TwoIfByTea.com right now. That’s it. Everybody that purchases a case of tea is automatically entered to win. And, by the way, a special price: $19.99 a case. That’s six bottles in a case of the best tea that you have ever had. Don’t forget that. That’s crucial.

When you taste this, you’re not gonna be believe it. Whatever flavor you buy, you’re gonna want to taste the other flavors as well, and this special price for this special promotion is $19.99 a case. So you have from right now through April 18th, Paul Revere Day, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time to be one of our next grand prize winners at TwoIfByTea.com. All the official rules are posted on the site as well as additional details. It’s all right there. So there will be two grand prize winners — a total of eight people — sent on a three-day, two-night trip to Boston. All expenses paid. TwoIfByTea.com.

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