Santorum Slaps Down Scarborough Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Some audio sound bites. John McCain, on Meet the Press, was asked by David Gregory:...
Regime Expands Contraception Mandate Mar 19, 2012RUSH: This from the New York Times, and it’s from March 16. That’s Friday. “The Obama...
Why is the Debt Deal Back in the News? Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Sandra, Mount Vernon, Ohio, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
Flashback: Biden Said There Would be More Rapes if GOP Didn’t Vote for the Jobs Act Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Here’s Biden. And again this is trying to sell the American Jobs Act. October 12th in Flint,...
My Review of the New iPad Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I got my new iPad on Friday and I raced home and I set it up. It took...
Pittsburgh Boos Biden on St. Patty’s Day Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Now, something else happened over the weekend. On the surface, to the casual observer, it’s...
More Terrible Poll News for White House Mar 19, 2012RUSH: We’ve got this Hill poll: “Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike...
Obama Lied During Debt Ceiling Debate Mar 19, 2012RUSH: A massive, long story at the top of the fold on the front page of the Washington Post...
Cee Lo Green Drops F-Bombs at Obama Fundraiser and America Notices (Even if the Mainstream Press Ignores) Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Do you remember how we opened the program one week ago? Do you remember? We had two polls,...
Peyton Manning Chooses Denver Mar 19, 2012RUSH: Well, here I am again, ladies and gentlemen, the de facto boss, the de facto head of the...