Limbaugh Lexicon Terms Defined: Rio Linda, New Castrati and the GOP Establishment Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Susie in Mobile, Alabama, welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush, it’s good to talk...
Theory: Election Hinges on North Carolina Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Fort Walton Beach, Florida. This is Paul. Glad you waited, sir. Welcome to the...
Obama Fan Arrested for Threatening to Kill Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Family; Media Silent Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Have you seen this story? “Adam Eugene Cox, 33, pleaded guilty Tuesday to threatening...
Propaganda Film Says Economy was Worse Than We Knew When The One Took Office Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Audio sound bite time. We’ve had a couple today. Why not add a third. June 14th, 2011, me on...
Illustrating Absurdity: The Tobacco Mandate Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Bloomberg News: “Consumer Prices in US Rose in February as Gasoline Jumped — The...
Democrats Deal with the Unintended Consequences of All-Out Assault on Us Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Dayton in Birmingham, Alabama. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Oh, Rush,...
Why People Want Paul Ryan to Run Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Budgets are being discussed. Paul Ryan is, for all intents and purposes, the budget leader...
How the Catholic Church Got Roped into Liberalism Mar 16, 2012RUSH: To the phones we go on Open Line Friday, starting in Santa Barbara, California. Hi Diane,...
See, I Told You So: Obamacare Will Eliminate the Option of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Mar 16, 2012RUSH: We have a budget deficit that’s $3.5 trillion higher than anybody thought. We have health...
My Decision to Tweet Makes National News Mar 16, 2012RUSH: The fact that I have now gone on Twitter made news. It made news at Reuters. It made news at...
A Week of Shameless Obama Lies Mar 16, 2012RUSH: Let’s review the important things of this week. The first two days of the week we had the...
Rush Limbaugh: “De Facto Boss” of the GOP Mar 16, 2012RUSH: You are listening to the de facto boss of the Republican Party, as stated last night on CNN...