We’re Venturing Into the Twitterverse Mar 15, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got something somewhat curious and important I want to tell you....
Dumplin’ Flips on Frackin’ Mar 15, 2012RUSH: Speaking of fundraising and playing to the base, a fascinating little story here out of...
The “War on Women” Didn’t Work Mar 15, 2012RUSH: You know, liberals, ladies and gentlemen, are still in a state of shock and disbelief over...
Panic on the Left: The Polls are Broken and the Voters are Stupid Mar 15, 2012RUSH: I sit here and I marvel at the ease with which the Democrats and the left create literal...
Obama is Anti-Progress on Energy Mar 15, 2012RUSH: Obama did say in one of these sound bites earlier (impression), “We’re not drilling in...
Blitzer: Maher is a “Casualty” of Limbaugh Mar 15, 2012RUSH: Folks, again I tell you: These two polls, the New York Times and the Washington Post on...
Report: Obama to Release Oil from Strategic Reserve in Response to National Emergency of His Falling Poll Numbers Mar 15, 2012RUSH: Obama has just announced that the United States and Britain are going to release oil from...