Tom Grace’s “The Liberty Intrigue” Mar 14, 2012RUSH: This is Tom. Thank you for waiting, sir, and welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Always a...
Callers Respond to Karen Finney’s War on Angry, Conservative Working Women Mar 14, 2012RUSH: We’re gonna start Columbia, South Carolina. Naomi, a Southern Christian woman who’s looked...
Don’t Buy the CW on a Brokered Convention Mar 14, 2012RUSH: Let’s go ahead and play the sound bite. Back on January 23rd, there was a lot of panic on...
Liberals Dismayed that Southern Women Voted for Santorum and that I Still Exist Mar 14, 2012RUSH: Karen Finney is the Democrat strategerist. She was on MSNBC last night. They were in total...
White House Shaken by Poll Numbers Mar 14, 2012RUSH: John Podhoretz writing at Commentary magazine: “ObamaÂ’s Poll Troubles Suggest His...
CBO Analysis: 2014 is When the Real Obamacare Excrement Will Hit the Fan Mar 14, 2012RUSH: The Congressional Budget Office says that Obamacare is gonna cost twice what he told us. The...
An Assault on the Symbols of America Mar 14, 2012RUSH: There is nothing sacred anymore. An Indian tribe in Wyoming has been given a permit to shoot...
GOP Accused of Waging “War on Women,” as Obama Negotiates with the Taliban Mar 14, 2012RUSH: Greetings, my friends, and welcome. You are tuned to the most-listened-to radio talk show in...