Trump Trashes George Will’s Hair

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 6,2012

RUSH: Going back to the audio sound bites. On CNBC’s Squawk Box, Donald Trump appeared today and Joe Kernen asked him a question: “I don’t know what happened with George Will. You saw that piece. Give up on the presidency, he said. Just make sure the Republicans take the Senate and keep the House.” We told you about that George Will piece last Friday. Kernen asks Trump, “Is he trying to go motivate people by saying it’s already too late? What did you make of his comments?”

TRUMP: I think George Will is a loser. I’ve watched him for years. I will say this: Take away his little round spectacles and his cute little greasy haircut and I think you probably realize he’s not a very smart guy. The fact is the Republicans have a great chance of winning under the auspices of Mitt Romney. I don’t like when you have a conservative person saying, essentially, “Let’s give up on the presidency.” Give me a break. I’ve seen polls that have Mitt Romney ahead of Obama. Certain swing states, it looks like Obama can’t win them. I don’t know if he’s doing it for effect or what he’s doing.

RUSH: Okay, that’s Trump not holding back on George Will: “I don’t know what he’s doing … I’ve seen polls have Romney ahead of Obama. Certain swing states…” Let me tell you: Trump is right about one thing here. It is not a slam dunk for Obama. I don’t care what the conventional wisdom is, and I don’t care what the Drive-Bys say or the State-Controlled Media. All of this talk, “It’s the worst year ever for the Republicans since Watergate! Why, the Republicans have never been in such bad shape! I can’t belieeeeve what’s happened!” This election isn’t gonna be about the Republicans. Now, Obama and the regime are gonna do their best to make it about the Republicans, and I have no doubt that they’ve got oppo research on Romney that is going to be hellacious.

And if it is as bad as everybody is talking about, it seems to me that at some point some people ought to stand up and say, “Wait a second. I thought this was the bunch that was promoting civility in politics.” If the oppo research they have to Romney is so bad and they go after Romney that bad, when’s somebody gonna stand up and say, “Wait a minute! Mr. President, didn’t you say at that service out there for Gabby Giffords that we gotta stop this kind of stuff on our politics, that we’ve gotta get a little bit more civil? And you guys are leading the fray here on all this dirty politics stuff.” At some point they can overreach; at some point they can overstep. The only place I think Trump is standing in a little quicksand here is when he makes fun of somebody else’s hair.

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