Everything’s Cool Here Because of You Mar 6, 2012RUSH: Everything we do here is about you. If you’re not here all the rest of this is academic. All...
A Meat-and-Potatoes Santorum Guy Mar 6, 2012RUSH: Steve in Huron, Ohio. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hey, Rush. It is...
President Obama’s Hypocrisy on Me Mar 6, 2012RUSH: Obama’s press conference today, I don’t know how many voters heard it, but it should help...
Trump Trashes George Will’s Hair Mar 6, 2012RUSH: Going back to the audio sound bites. On CNBC’s Squawk Box, Donald Trump appeared today and...
How Alinskyites Create a Crisis Mar 6, 2012RUSH: Hey, by the way, folks, if you’ll permit me just one more observation about this woman,...
Ann Romney and Barbara Bush Make News Mar 6, 2012RUSH: This is yesterday in Youngstown, Ohio. Mitt Romney held a town hall event. The Q&A had...
See, I Told You So: Chicago Wants Romney Mar 6, 2012RUSH: For the longest time, I, on this program, incurred the wrath of millions of you by...
Contrivances of the Left’s Attack on Liberty: The “War on Women” and “Food Justice” Mar 6, 2012RUSH: Well, folks, it’s so predictable, and it’s hilarious. MSNBC, PMSNBC practically 24/7 has...