Newt to Bam: Fire Chu Mar 2, 2012RUSH: This is Steven Chu, the Nobel Prize-winning energy secretary, and he was talking about...
Fructose: Enemy of the People Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Cole in Paducah, Kentucky, not from my hometown in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Hi, Cole. It’s...
Obama’s Version of a Moral Example Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bite roster, though. Obama has had four fundraisers in New York...
Democrats Have Lost on Abortion Mar 2, 2012RUSH: We had the sound bite yesterday on this program. Kathleen Sebelius was testifying on Capitol...
Will Obama Return Bill Maher’s Money? Mar 2, 2012RUSH: For those of you tuning into this program to find out what’s going on, there is a central...
Fellow Co-Ed: Fluke Doesn’t Speak for Me Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Now, there’s a piece here at a blog called It’s by Angela...
When Did Feminists Become Subservient to the State? Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Spokane, Washington, next. Dennis, I’m glad you called. Thank you for waiting, and...
Democrat Dittohead Can’t Find Any Evidence of Racism on This Show Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Here’s Douglas in Birmingham, Alabama. Great to have you on the EIB Network, sir, had Open...
Why Didn’t Democrats Defend Lewinsky? Mar 2, 2012RUSH: What would happen if I went before a congressional committee, Snerdley, and said, “I...
The Democrats are Desperate: Obama Calls Sandra Fluke, the 30-Year-Old Victim Mar 2, 2012RUSH: “A Missouri House member frustrated with recent legislative debates over birth control...
I’m a Danger to the Women of America? Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Starting in South Jersey, Mike. Great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.CALLER:...
George Will Gives Up on the White House, Urges GOP to Focus on House and Senate Mar 2, 2012RUSH: We have columns today from the Washington Post. George Will with a column suggests the...
UK Daily Mail: A Third of UK Women Would Swap IQ for Larger Breasts Mar 2, 2012RUSH: “Shocking new research shows almost half of young women aged 18 to 25 would prefer to...
What Happened at My Home Last Night Mar 2, 2012RUSH: Now, I want to lead off by explaining, informing you what happened at our home last night....