A Coordinated Contraception Attack Feb 15, 2012RUSH: Somebody sent me a note. I was working this morning, and I’m sending notes back and forth to...
Obama Thinks He Can Buy Enough Votes to Trump His Record and Continue His Mission to Weaken America Feb 15, 2012RUSH: Everything that George W. Bush proposed in terms of spending, Barack Obama voted for. Obama...
Budget Director Undercuts Regime’s Obamacare Supreme Court Argument Feb 15, 2012RUSH: Obama’s budget director. What’s this guy’s name? (interruption) What? No, no, no. That’s the...
Obama Didn’t Understand How Bad the Economy Was? He Kept Telling Us It Was the Worst Since the Great Depression! Feb 15, 2012RUSH: Obama is making me look as prescient as I have ever been. We even found an example before...
Staggering: Obama to Cut Nukes by 80% Feb 15, 2012RUSH: There are some things happening today that are downright scary. The regime, led by Barack...
What’s So Crucial About Free Contraceptives? Why Not Free Toothpaste? Feb 14, 2012RUSH: Denise in Trenton, Michigan. Great to have you on the program. Hi.CALLER: Hey, Rush, happy...
Democrats are Running for Reelection on Unmasked Socialism Feb 14, 2012RUSH: Just a few weeks ago, what was the news? A few weeks ago, Obama goes to the National Prayer...
Trust Nothing in Conventional Media Feb 14, 2012RUSH: Joyce in Lincoln, Nebraska, you’re next. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network....
Electric Cars and the Wussification of America Feb 14, 2012RUSH: We’re gonna start with Bruce in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Great to have you, sir. Thank...
An Interesting Dick Morris Theory on Democrats and Contraception Feb 14, 2012RUSH: I want to move on to this Dick Morris business and the attack on the Catholic Church last...
Federal Agents Inspect Your Child’s Lunch Feb 14, 2012RUSH: This is from Raeford, North Carolina. Carolina Journal. I’m gonna read it to you exactly as...
Distressing Day in Obamaville: GOP Caves on Payroll Tax, Bam Brags About 40 Bucks Feb 14, 2012RUSH: Have you seen the headlines on the tax deal, folks? The payroll tax extension deal? The deal...
When Harry Reid Says Republicans Want to Kill You, Some People Believe It Feb 13, 2012RUSH: David in Scranton, Pennsylvania, has been holding on for over two hours. Nothing we could do...
Rick Santorum Has Conservatism in His Bodily Fluids Feb 13, 2012RUSH: Bloomington, Indiana, let’s head back to phones. This is Dan. Thank you for waiting, sir....
Daniel Hannan and Sarah Palin Rock CPAC — and Romney Wins Meaningless Straw Poll Feb 13, 2012RUSH: Daniel Hannan, member of the British parliament, spoke Saturday at CPAC. From what I...
Jack Lew Lies, Blames GOP Feb 13, 2012RUSH: Now, one of Obama’s guys, Jack Lew, chief of staff, he went out there and said — this...
Murphy: Mitt Faked It in Massachusetts Feb 13, 2012RUSH: Laurie in Danbury, Connecticut, welcome, great to have you on the EIB Network as we head to...
Did the Leaders of the Catholic Church Make a Deal with the Redistributionist Devil? Feb 13, 2012RUSH: In that sense, as the program unfolds today, we’re gonna go back and revisit this whole...
We Have Never Seen an American Politician with the Intentions of Barack Obama Feb 13, 2012RUSH: Obama put out his budget this morning, a week late and a trillion dollars short. You’ll be...
Romney Attempts to Display His “Severe” Conservatism at CPAC Feb 10, 2012RUSH: I promised Mitt Romney sound bites from CPAC and we’re we go. We have one, two,...