Both Establishments in Santorum Panic Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Well-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l. How about this, ladies and gentlemen? It looks like the establishment...
The Theocracy of Liberalism Feb 17, 2012RUSH: Here is Larry in Johns Creek, Georgia. Hi, Lar’. Great to have you on Open Line Friday, sir....
Modern-Day Libs are Humorless Feb 17, 2012RUSH: Colfax, Wisconsin, back to the phones. This is Susan. Thank you for waiting and welcome to...
Apple Stiffs the Times on New Stuff Feb 17, 2012RUSH: Something unprecedented happened this week. Apple Incorporated, announced a software upgrade...
The Real Unemployment Numbers Feb 17, 2012RUSH: This is Sam in San Diego. Glad you waited, sir. Your turn on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:...
GOP Establishment is Embarrassed by Social Conservatives Feb 17, 2012RUSH: Edmonds, Washington. This is Tony. Glad you called, sir. You’re up first.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
Geithner: We Have No Solutions Feb 17, 2012RUSH: I mentioned at the top of the program that Geithner appeared on Capitol Hill, House...
Dung Heap Harkin Makes Our Point! Feb 17, 2012RUSH: Tom Harkin, affectionately known here as “Dung Heap,” senator from Iowa, last...
The Sex-Obsessed Left is Offended by an Aspirin Joke? Feb 17, 2012RUSH: This is Foster Friess, and he was on Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, her show at one...
The Third Anniversary of Obama’s Stimulus Feb 17, 2012RUSH: This is an anniversary, and I want to take you back three years ago, February 17th, 2009....
A Problem for the Conservative Movement Feb 16, 2012RUSH: Let me take a stab at this. And again, it may well be that these people I’m talking about...
Truck Driver Spreads EIB Truths Feb 16, 2012RUSH: Dewight, thanks for your patience. I want to get to this guy. His name is Dewight. He’s in...
Contraception Explosion! Dems Walk Out of Hearing; Santorum Donor Suggests Gals Use Aspirin Between Knees Feb 16, 2012RUSH: You want to know the latest on this contraception business? It was just on MSNBC. Two...
Government Motors Union Ownership Exacts Revenge on White-Collar Workers Feb 16, 2012RUSH: There’s a story here. This is another one. Most people would read this and wouldn’t connect...
Democrats Ginned Up Contraception Debate to Fire Up Their Base, Divide the GOP and Distract from the Economy Feb 16, 2012RUSH: At a press conference, Leader Pelosi was asked by The Weekly Standard: ‘The Catholic...
Christie Defends Whitney Houston Decision Feb 16, 2012RUSH: People in New Jersey continue to be upset over Governor Christie and the flags at half staff...
North Carolina in Uproar Over Pre-School Lunch Inspection by Federal Agent Feb 16, 2012RUSH: Now, something else. You remember a couple of days ago we had the story from the Carolina...
See, I Told You So: Obama Approval Up, Jobless Rate Down, “Culture War” Revived — All Manipulated by Lib Media to Dispirit You Feb 16, 2012RUSH: All right, today is one of those days. I’m gonna have to go back to our archives. Everything...
Educator: Parents Don’t Know Best Feb 15, 2012RUSH: Back on February 1st, a couple of weeks ago. Lansing, Michigan, state capital, during a...
Making Takers Out of Producers Feb 15, 2012RUSH: Now, let me move on to this New York Times piece. This from February 11th. This is about the...