EIB Flashback: Satan and Slim Whitman Feb 22, 2012RUSH: I’m just telling you, I have experience with devil things.
Santorum Will Have to Answer on Satan Feb 21, 2012RUSH: I mentioned earlier in the program that Santorum, people have dug deep and they found a...
If Obama Wins, We’re Greece Feb 21, 2012RUSH: Another bailout in Greece. Now, you may not care about Greece, but you need to at least be...
Obama Wants High Gas Prices Feb 21, 2012RUSH: We do not have limited dreams of our size and scope here or on our achievement at the EIB...
Santorum and the Double Standard Feb 21, 2012RUSH: Now here’s the Bill McGurn piece. “The politics of the double standard on social...
The Truth About Medical Bankruptcy Feb 21, 2012RUSH: All right. My staff once again thinks that I have stepped in it big time and that I...
Barack Obama Will Unite the GOP Feb 21, 2012RUSH: Newport News, Virginia, with Shirley. I’m glad to hear from you. Welcome to the EIB Network....
A Despicably Downsized American Dream Feb 21, 2012RUSH: I mentioned moments ago on this program that Barack Obama had made a statement that sets the...
Bam’s Fishy Super PAC Reporting Feb 21, 2012RUSH: Now, a little bit on the Obama super PAC. Does it not sound a little strange to you that...
Rush Limbaugh: The Man Who Ruined American Politics (for Liberals) Feb 21, 2012RUSH: We got Jon Meacham, by the way, formerly of Newsweek, on Charlie Rose last night, claiming...
Cracks in the Establishment as Republicans Whisper About an Open Convention Feb 21, 2012RUSH: I need to issue a warning. If you were not here yesterday, you missed one of the most...
Romney Fan Flashes Anger at Your Host Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Now, I read a piece by a guy named Ben Domenech over the weekend called “The Trouble...
Tocqueville Foresaw the Obama Years Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Michael Barone had a piece in National Review Online that I saw posted late last night. It’s...
Reports from the Culture War Front Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Sterling, Illinois. Ken, thanks for waiting. Really appreciate it and welcome to the...
Watch Out for the Return of Newt Feb 20, 2012RUSH: I’ll tell you what the real outrage ought to be. The real outrage ought to be having to pay...
Rick is Right About Obama’s Political Theology, but Poor Old Bob Schieffer Thinks He’s Talking to Somebody from Mars Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Let’s just jump feet first into this Santorum business. I want to start actually with Friday...
Conservatives Can Win on Social Issues Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Santorum showed up yesterday on Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer. And, folks, it was like...
Libs Invent New Fictitious Voting Bloc: “Birth Control Moms” Feb 20, 2012RUSH: This is great, too, folks, this is fabulous. Welcome back. Rush Limbaugh. By the way,...
The Whitney Houston Funeral was Filled with Stuff That Could Never Be Said at a Democrat Convention Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Let me tell you something. Just a second here. Let me tell you something. The Whitney...
ESPN Should Have Made Fun of Jeremy Lin’s Christianity Feb 20, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you are aware — you undoubtedly have heard about ESPN...