Hillary and Durbin Accuse Republicans of Playing Politics with the War in Afghanistan Feb 27, 2012RUSH: I want to talk about what’s going on in Afghanistan at Bagram Airfield. This is the story...
Don’t Fear Social Issues Feb 27, 2012RUSH: Let me ask you a quick question, folks. I checked the e-mail during the break. I’m not...
Act of Valor Cleans Up at Box Office Feb 27, 2012RUSH: Brooksville, Kentucky. This is Vickie, and you are up first. It’s a delight to have you with...
The Democrat Gas Hypocrisy Feb 27, 2012RUSH: Michael Janofsky at the New York Times, April 24th, 2006, about six years ago:...
Desperate to Distract from Obama, Liberals Claim I’m Destroying the Republican Party Feb 27, 2012RUSH: There was a movie last night that I thought was gonna win that didn’t. I know it wasn’t...
Blood Clots and The Pill Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Lucy, Columbus, Ohio, Open Line Friday and it is your turn.CALLER: Hello, Rush.RUSH:...
Why Not Have a Limbaugh Debate? Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Danny in Frisco, Texas. Hi, Danny. You’re next on Open Line Friday. Great to have you...
Geithner: Rich Should Pay More for “Privilege of Being an American” Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Moving on to CNBC Squawk Box, this is the Geithner bite, Timothy Geithner. The senior...
Did Romney Lie at the Debate? Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 25. Those of you who have made up your minds and are for Mitt...
Safe Talk: Contraception, Abortion and Infanticide Discussion Halted Feb 24, 2012RUSH: To Toronto, Canada. Steve, I’m glad you waited and great to have you on Open Line Friday....
Media Ignorant About Obama’s Infanticide Votes in the Illinois State Senate Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Let’s face it. Way too many of us… In fact, let me amend that: Way too many of you,...
Newt, Rudy Rip the Bamster Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Obama apologizing to Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan. Newt was not happy about it. He was in...
Open Line Friday Question: What Was Your First Home Computer? Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Ron in Cincinnati, Open Line Friday, great to have you here, sir. Hello.CALLER: Mega...
We Need a Pond Scum Czar Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Folks, did you know that pond scum, algae, pond scum is now the new source of energy in this...
Seminar Caller for Romney Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Here’s Jerry in Wilmington, Delaware, as we start on the phones in the first hour, we always...
We Fear for Our Country, Governor Bush Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Jeb Bush. “Former Governor Florida Jeb Bush said yesterday that he found it troubling...
Obama Thinks America Has Never Worked Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Late yesterday afternoon, this is in the Coral Gables, this is at a fundraiser, this is...
Act of Valor: Man, It’s Great Feb 24, 2012RUSH: As a powerful, influential member of the media, I occasionally am given screeners of movies...
Greenberg Warns: The Big Lie Isn’t Working Feb 24, 2012RUSH: Stan Greenberg, pollster extraordinaire. He’s got this polling company with Carville. Stan...
Despite Democrat/Media Onslaught on Contraception, Santorum’s Numbers Improve with Women? Feb 24, 2012RUSH: I got an e-mail from one of my golf buddies late yesterday afternoon, just beside himself,...