Obama Super PACs: Media and Unions Feb 9, 2012RUSH: Who’s next on the phones? Mike in Madison, Wisconsin, great to have you on the EIB Network....
A Few Moments with the Bond Villain, Zbig Brzezinski Feb 9, 2012RUSH: You gotta hear a couple sound bites from Zbigniew Brzezinski. Now, Zbig was Jimmy Carter’s...
By All Means, Serve Two If By Tea to Libs Feb 9, 2012RUSH: Hazel, Wichita, Kansas. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Oh, what...
Foreclosure Expert on Entitlement Mentality Feb 9, 2012RUSH: We’ll start in Collinsville, Connecticut, with Melissa. I’m glad you waited, and welcome to...
A Look Back at the 2009 CPAC Speech Feb 9, 2012RUSH: This is the CPAC weekend, the Conservative Political Action Conference. Big weekend,...
Santorum Turns Around Romney Attacks Feb 9, 2012RUSH: This is the National Journal: “‘Energized Santorum Unloads on Romney’s...
What Does “Trickery” Mean to You? Feb 9, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I just had a memory flash. I just remembered — and I spent some...
Blowback Over Bam’s Catholic Mandate Feb 9, 2012RUSH: Some Catholic Democrats are bailing on Obama. Tim Kaine, former DNC chairman running for...
Obama Gives Out Free Cell Phones Feb 9, 2012RUSH: TIME Magazine: “Last year, a federal program paid out $1.6 billion to cover free cell...
Regime Shakes Down Banks for $25 Billion Feb 9, 2012RUSH: On the foreclosure front, big news here. Eric Holder and attorneys general from 42 states...
Obamaville: A Story of Dependence Feb 9, 2012RUSH: Now, there’s a story that’s been digested, written in a number of places, first from the...