Connecticut Governor Declares Diaper Need Awareness Day

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 26,2011

RUSH: “Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy has declared Thursday ‘Diaper Need Awareness Day’ as part of a campaign by The Nutmeg State to pressure Washington into providing free diapers to low-income families.” That would be low-income families with day care, that would be Rosa DeLauro’s law. Can you believe this? Day Three of this diaper business, Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy declared Diaper Need Awareness Day tomorrow. “Supporters will host a fundraiser and a panel discussion in New Haven on the public health risks for babies whose diapers aren’t changed frequently enough.” How long is it gonna be before a bunch of geezers in nursing homes are gonna be demanding free diapers?

“The move follows legislation introduced earlier this month by Rep. Rosa DeLauro that would amend the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990. … DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat, estimates that families pay about $100 a month to cover babies’ bottoms,” and it ought to be free. The state of Connecticut, folks, has declared tomorrow Diaper Need Awareness Day, and there is a fundraiser and a panel discussion in New Haven on the public health risks for babies. Can you imagine this panel discussion? Will this be on C-SPAN? Who will the experts be? Can you imagine watching a panel discussion on the health risks for babies whose diapers are not changed frequently enough?

By the way, somebody help me out. Is a hundred dollars a month for diapers a lot or not? Brian, you should know this or do you even care? A hundred dollars a month is cheap for diapers? I, of course, wouldn’t know. “The maker of Huggies on Monday cut its sales outlook in the U.S. and other developed markets, citing a low birth rate due to the economic downturn.” So the diaper business is in the toilet. Nothing’s good. Nothing is good out there. (interruption) A hundred dollars a month for diapers is about right. Okay, but how often do you change a diaper? Do you need this seminar? Five diapers a day? Five diapers a day times 30 days, a hundred dollars a month? Seventy-five cents is what the diapers are, 75 cents? I wouldn’t know.

We had to go out and get some diapers for one of the puppies. Failed to get one of the dogs spayed, went into heat, bad news, so had to go out and put the dog in diapers — talk about funny — for about three weeks. I, of course, didn’t buy them. I paid for them but I didn’t buy them. (interruption) Yeah, I did, I put the diaper on the dog a couple times. I did. I put the diaper on the dog a couple times. (interruption) I do. I do. But sometimes I was the only one there and it had to be done. You had to take the diaper off and let the dog out. The dog comes back in and you gotta put the diaper back on. I was lucky I had a cooperative dog. If the dog hadn’t been cooperative I don’t know.

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