Rush’s Morning Update: Revolution?

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 20,2011

California Democrats – whose mission appears to be to preside over the destruction of a once-great state – are now issuing threats. They’re demanding that Republicans go along with their tax plans … or else.

State Senate leader Darrell Steinberg tried to get Republicans in the state House and Senate to support Democrat attempts to extend some two-year-old tax increases. So far, to their credit, the Republicans have refused.

Now Democrat Steinberg has resorted to extortion and blackmail. He’s proposing a measure liberals call “revolutionary.” It would allow school boards and local governments to directly impose sweeping taxes on California’s citizens – bypassing the state legislature.

If this legislation passes – and it can, without any Republican votes – unimaginable horrors could be unleashed on taxpayers. Over a thousand school districts could make wish lists, and tax local residents into submission. Local governments could do likewise. There would be no restraints: on income taxes, sales taxes, vehicle license fees, taxes on soft drinks, tobacco, liquor – the sky’s the limit. Here’s the game: Mr. Steinberg and his fellow Democrats are betting business owners are so terrified of this prospect – that they’ll pressure Republicans to grant the state, the tax hikes Democrats want.

Republicans: Stand firm. Don’t cave! Let this blackmail attempt backfire on the left. If local Democrats want to tax their own communities into certain ruin – so be it. There’s nothing “revolutionary” about Democrats’ greed for tax increases. The real revolution will come … when California citizens – have had enough! If they ever will.

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