Rush’s Morning Update: As GM Goes…

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 9,2011

The CEO of Government Motors, Dan Akerson, told the Detroit News that it would benefit GM if you paid higher gasoline taxes. Mr. Akerson said a $1-a-gallon increase in the gas tax would “encourage” a lot of you to purchase smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. Sure, he said, a higher gas tax would make some of his Republicans friends “puke,” but he claimed it would help the environment.

He also said he’d support a jump in the gas tax over tighter fuel-economy regulations that GM and other automakers will have to comply with in the future. Because, he said, taxing production here “will cost us jobs.” When asked about replacing the gas tax with a tax on miles driven, Akerson said: “There ought to be a discussion on the cost versus the benefits.”

The Regime’s auto company is finally 100% politically corrected! Obama has got to be pleased. Maybe he’ll even let this GM CEO keep his gig for a while.

One thing would render this talk of gas taxes moot: A significant, sustained jump in domestic oil production. We have the need – and the resources to do it. The only thing we don’t have … is the political will.

There’s an old adage: “As GM goes – so goes the nation.” Well, apparently, GM’s management has gone – over to the fringe-kook, environmentalist-wacko, left-wing lane. But the nation isn’t going to drive off the cliff with them. Not if I can help it.

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