Wife Explains: Potential “Snaking” Made John Edwards Uncomfortable

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: I just read something on The Politico website that I don’t believe I just read. Now, I’m going to read this to you, but I want to issue you a warning that if you do have young children around you might not want them to hear this. This is on the Politico.com website. ‘Elizabeth Edwards was asked about gay rights on CNN last night, and gave some background to Bob Shrum’s claim that John Edwards felt uncomfortable with gays.’ Said Elizabeth Edwards, ”I believe that Bob Shrum brought up the issues of gays and lesbians, and John said, you know, I come from a small southern town, Baptist, you know. … Honestly, he said, honestly an abstract issue for me because he said, you know, I don’t really know, as far as I know, know any gay people. … I said, well, actually you do. ‘I referred to a friend of mine from English graduate school and how we had been out — John and I had been out for the evening. I saw this old friend from English graduate school when we were still in law school, and I went over and spoke to him, and I knew that he was gay, and I said, you know, ‘I’m engaged.” This is Elizabeth talking about her old buddy from school. ‘And there’s the fellow over there I’m engaged to,’ and this is what Elizabeth Edwards says happened, that her gay friend said to her, about Edwards, ‘oh, he’s awfully cute. I might snake him if he wasn’t with you. And I told John that. And this is where he used the word ‘uncomfortable.’ He said, that made me feel uncomfortable. So Bob correctly remembers the word ‘uncomfortable’ but incorrectly remembers the circumstances in which he said it. All of us feel uncomfortable at someone snaking us — I guess in the presence — trying to snake us in the presence of our fiancee, and that made him feel uncomfortable, and John talked about that.” (Laughing.)