Thursday Quotes: The Maha Rushie

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“You know what the burning question is in Detroit today, folks? It’s whether or not their mayor will be out of jail in time to campaign for Obama.”

“If you’re in a bar anywhere, and you see an attractive woman, and you think she’s a liberal and you want to get to first base (or maybe further), just go up and start talking about ‘alternative energy’ or ‘renewables’ — you will not be able to get rid of her!”

“A little girl asks you a question: ‘Why did you start running for president?’ It’s a 7-year-old, Senator Obama! You do not lie to 7-year-olds and tell them that our country sucks!”

“America is no longer ‘what it could be, what it once was’? How the hell would you know, Obama? Your experience has only been in one part of America: elite, leftist academia. Oh, and with Jeremiah Wright.”

“Hillary said something to the effect of, ‘We don’t want anybody at the convention walking away saying they’re unsatisfied.’ Now, how the hell could that happen when they’re nominating a messiah?”

“I’m sitting here in stunned disbelief: The Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, has actually criticized the Democrat nominee. Make a note on your calendars, my friends: August 7th, 2008.”

“With Senator Obama, we can’t have any new oil in our energy plan. No: it has to be something that hasn’t been invented yet and that doesn’t work, but that we can still waste a whole lot of money on.”

“Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in Washington, DC, the Speaker of the House, has only sold 2,000 books. You want to know the real America? I think this is it.”

“McCain did a set visit to the show ’24’; he did a little cameo role in it a couple years ago. I wonder if he met Dennis Haysbert: ‘You know, I really admire the way you handled that crisis in episode six. Anything you can share with me about how tough it was?’ ‘Yeah, well, Senator, we didn’t get it right ’til the tenth take.'”

“Michelle (My Belle), elitism doesn’t even begin to describe your husband. ‘Messianic complex’ does.”