Thursday Quotes: Don’t Doubt Me

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Liberalism is on the ascendancy in the Republican Party, and that will lead to defeat eventually. That’s when we rebuild it.”

“Instead of asking Obama to accompany you to Iraq to see the progress we’re making, I have another idea, Senator McCain. Why don’t you take a tour of all the great businesses in this country and learn how they do it.”

“I am getting sick and tired of these never-ending attacks on our private sector. Just show a little respect for the civilians in this country — they work very hard every day.”

“Do you realize that 535 people who get reelected 90% of the time are the ones that are screwing this country up? And we might also take some of the blame ourselves because we keep reelecting these dingleberries.”

“I can understand Obama attacking the private sector; he’s a liberal socialist. I can understand Nancy Pelosi doing it, and I can understand these idiots like Ed Markey doing it. But I cannot abide by my own party doing it; I just about lose my temper.”

“I’ll tell you what’s going to happen to Scott McClellan: The left is going to use him up. Scott, they look at you as a nerd. You are a useful idiot.”

“I have very little patience in hearing how poor the public schools are. Money is not the problem. Maybe if they spent a little time on mathematics and grammar and English and reading and a little less time on polar bears, bullies, and conflict resolution, we would all be better off!”

“What you have done is not just dishonorable, it is ungrateful, Scott McClellan. Nobody would know who you are were it not for George W. Bush.”

“People are hoping McCain really doesn’t believe all this radical nonsense about global warming and evil oil companies, but they are wrong: McCain believes in his own press. Believe me, we’re seeing the real McCain.”

“I don’t want to listen to Flight of the Bumblebee on the accordion.”