“Somebody,” President Clinton?

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Let’s go Ames, Iowa, yesterday, a campaign event for Hillary and former President Bill Clinton spoke. I ask you, who is he talking about here?

BILL CLINTON: When she came down there and we got married, I was a defeated candidate for Congress, with a $26,000 salary and a $42,000 campaign debt. Now, if she were half as calculating as somebody says, that’s a really great way to run for president someday. I mean, I’ll go to a state I’ve barely seen and marry some failed politician with a $26,000 salary and $42,000 debt.

RUSH: Who is he talking about? Who is this somebody that Clinton’s talking about? Who else has evolved the theory that this whole thing on Hillary’s part was a calculation to follow this guy wherever he was headed and take over when he got there? So it just establishes once again I am never out of their minds. Somebody, not some people. Let’s go back to the archives. March 8th, 1994, 13 years ago, audio from me on the television show.

RUSH ARCHIVE: The Hillary Clinton story basically is this. And see how similar this sounds to the old days before the modern era of feminism raised its head. You’re a girl, you’re a young woman, what do you do? You go off to college. That’s what she did. Why do you go? To meet your husband. That’s what she did. She wouldn’t be where she is if it weren’t for her husband. So she goes to college, finds some guy that she thinks is going somewhere, latches on to him, maybe she steers his career and some women are prone to do, maybe she followed, who knows. But the point is that when he got to wherever he was going, that’s when she moves in to take over.

RUSH: Right. And here’s Mrs. Clinton herself last week on ABC World News tonight with Charles Gibson. His comment to Mrs. Clinton, ‘She fell in love with a fellow student (kissing sound), Bill Clinton. But she was reluctant to marry.’

HILLARY: He was a force of nature. He was the center of most of the attention. I’d never known anybody like him. I just had no frame of reference. And — but I knew I was getting into something really big. Whatever it was, you know, and, therefore, I was hesitant. I never understood how difficult it would be to navigate his political career on my terms.

RUSH: ‘Navigate his political career on my terms,’ she said! So he had power crackling in his jeans even then, ladies. Let’s go back. You just heard me say back in 1994, she’s calculating, figured out what she wanted to do, a little tough to navigate his political career on her terms. He said this in Iowa yesterday, one more time.

BILL CLINTON: When she came down there and we got married, I was a defeated candidate for Congress, with a $26,000 salary and a $42,000 campaign debt. Now, if she were half as calculating as somebody says, that’s a really great way to run for president someday. I mean, I’ll go to a state I’ve barely seen and marry some failed politician with a $26,000 salary and $42,000 debt.

RUSH: (doing Clinton impression) ‘Yeah, but, you know, Limbaugh is smart because what Limbaugh’s going to figure out, what he’s going to remember is we got Hillary that gig down there at the Rose Law Firm, that’s 120 grand a year. Then we got her the cattle futures deal, ten grand turned into a hundred grand so she wiped out my debt and our plan moved forward and everything. Old Limbaugh is the only guy who’s going to remember that, folks.’


RUSH: I don’t want to harp on this, I really don’t, but let’s look at this scenario that Clinton just said. He was $26,000 salary, $42,000 in debt, and she hightails it to Arkansas. Could we also not speculate that maybe she was desperate for anybody to marry her, and that this represents not a wise decision whatsoever. (doing Clinton impression) ‘She came down there to be with me, Limbaugh.’ We’ve never heard of any other boyfriends that she had. Well, we haven’t. We’ve heard everything else about these two, this pair. But we’ve never heard anything about that.