Peggy in “Oral” Valley, Arizona

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Peggy in Tucson, Arizona, great to have you on the EIB Network.

CALLER: And I am absolutely thrilled that I got through. Actually this is the third time I’ve gotten through, and you may have fun with my city because it’s ‘Oral’ Valley, [spelled: Oro] and I don’t know if you remember that or not.

RUSH: How could I forget a place like Oral Valley?

CALLER: See? I was hoping you wouldn’t. (Giggles.)

RUSH: Yeah. I have a good memory anyway, but I would never forget a place called Oral Valley.

CALLER: Well, Rush, you’re phenomenal, and we’ll leave it at that.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: You do help keep me sane, and I’m one of those. My husband and I both listen to you just about every day.

RUSH: You said that the last time you called, that I keep you sane.

CALLER: You did, and we’re still sane.

RUSH: See, I remember that, too.

CALLER: (Laughing.) So we’re batting a thousand here. Briefly, on the morning talk show here, conservative talk show, Senator Kyl was on regarding the immigration, and I only heard part of it, but two of his points were that under existing law, we can’t quite enforce the way we need to, and part of that was because of how the employers have to verify. So he was saying that was one of the positives of this new bill, and then the other thing was —

RUSH: Except the employers don’t like it.

CALLER: Yeah, well, that’s it.

RUSH: They don’t. They don’t like the responsibility of having to be the government agency, if you will.

CALLER: Yeah. Yeah.

RUSH: Why should they be, by the way?

CALLER: Well, you know, my take on it is they really should be able to verify if they’re legal or not and it should be made easy for them, and I think that would be highly possible by coordinating human services and INS or whatever they are now.

RUSH: We’re talking about federal immigration law here. The federal government is charged with enforcing its own laws, and they’re passing this off to business, knowing full well business can’t.

CALLER: Oh, and again, now, you’re hitting on the point that I sit back and I look at this, and bottom line is, ‘So what’s different? How are they going to enforce this when they couldn’t enforce before?’ But I really wanted to tell you the other thing that he said that I found was really interesting, and I’m upset with Kyl. I’m not alone here. I called his office, and I feel like we are getting this jammed right down our throats.

RUSH: In Oral Valley, yes.

CALLER: Yeah, in Oral Valley. Very good. I’m not surprised. He said that if amendments come up to this bill that affect the core of it, then all bets are off, and the coalition that he has of Republicans won’t vote for it, which I still feel the bottom line is this thing is going to get rammed through. But I wondered, since you’ve read the bill, if these points, especially the first one about the existing laws not quite handling —

RUSH: I don’t.

CALLER: Do you buy that?

RUSH: No, that’s not true. They’re not enforcing it. There’s no enforcement mechanism. Look, we already have a law that determines that the people that arrive here the way they are arriving are ‘illegal.’


RUSH: It can’t be any more clear. When you use that word, you’re in violation of the law here. It’s crystal clear. The enforcement mechanism? All they’re saying is, ‘There’s no way we’re going to deport 12 million people.’ What they’re saying is, ‘We’ve lost control. We’ve lost control of the number of people coming in, and there’s nothing we can do about it now. It’s too late, and the only way we can fix this is just to say, ‘Okay, the 12 million or 20 million that are here are legal,” and then they’re telling us for like the seventh time that this next piece of legislation, ‘That’s going to have the tough enforcement provisions, and that’s going to have the tough border security.’ People, after watching Ted Kennedy be wrong on this for five or six times in 42 years and everybody else be wrong on this (the most recent time Simpson-Mazzoli), the confidence is not there that the government, whatever new law they write, is going to have some magical ability to be more enforced than previous laws have been.

CALLER: You know what? I heard another caller call in on the local show, and he pointed out that as soon as any of the current illegals stepped forward — and I don’t think they have to pay money, but as soon as they step forward — then essentially they’re legal. They don’t have to go down the path to citizenship or pay the fine or anything. That essentially makes them legal, which just drains the color from my face.

RUSH: Well, that caller no doubt heard that from me, because I have been mentioning this since last week. A lot of other hosts have, too.

CALLER: Well, maybe I heard it from you.

RUSH: Well, you probably did, you just don’t have as good a memory as I do.

CALLER: Well, I’m older than you. (Giggles.)

RUSH: But whoever you heard say it is right, because one of the ways they’re selling this is, ‘We’re going to put these people on a path to citizenship.’


RUSH: No, we’re not because they’re not going to have to become citizens.

CALLER: They don’t want it. You look at all of the people up here — and I live right here in the belt — and I don’t see where those people want the citizenship, and you have a lot of the people, the Hispanics here in our population, that have gone through the right road to citizenship, and they are as angry as we are.

RUSH: Yeah, the anger crosses the board here. It crosses the political divide left and right, and legal versus illegal. It does. But the dirty little secret here is they talk about the fines, and they talk about the back taxes. They talk about going to the end of the line, and going back home. The touchback provision: ‘Go back home, to your country, and come back.’ That’s only if you want citizenship. If you don’t want to be a citizen you don’t have to do diddly-squat because the moment the bill is signed into law, you’re legal, pure and simple. This is not about citizenship and it’s not about assimilation. It’s a way of wiping failed policy since Simpson-Mazzoli ’86 off the books. It’s just a tacit admission that it hasn’t worked. ‘All right, we’ll just wave a wand here and make ’em legal,’ but that’s why I said yesterday, in another brilliant monologue, that it’s important to find out what the illegals want. Do they want citizenship, or do they just want to be legal? I don’t think anybody that’s behind the authorship of this bill and trying to get it passed, cares. That’s not the objective. Look, the Republicans on this (sigh). I’m just at a loss. The Democrats understand fully what’s in it for them.

They’re trying — and pardon me for sounding like a broken record, but it is clear here with Peggy’s call that this stuff needs to be pounded and pounded and pounded. The Democrats, who they are? They’re liberals. What do they believe? Giant government. They believe in the redistribution of wealth. They want as many victims in society as possible, and there aren’t as many victims in America anymore because our economy is so good, the prosperity and opportunity for it in this country has never been better. So they need an influx of new voters. They need an influx of new victims to continue to build the welfare state on: redistribution of wealth. The Republicans are looking at this out of fear. As I said yesterday, they’re looking at this through the prism of defeat and how they will lose Hispanic votes if they are seen opposing this. They risk be called racists and nativists and bigots and so forth. So they’re telling themselves that if they’re seen as being compassionate and understanding and supportive of this, that they’ll somehow end up getting a lion’s share of the votes of these 12 or 20 million people. The Democrats already have dibs on them, pure and simple. There will be no need for them to become entrepreneurs en masse, because the Democrats are going to take care of them.