Monday Quotes: Don’t Doubt Me

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“How long will it be before Barack Obama says, ‘That’s not the Wesley Clark I know’?”

“They’re ecstatic out there in the Drive-By world because Warren Buffett has eclipsed the charitable record set by me on eBay — for now.For now.”

“Can you imagine a 6-year-old getting up and reading the paper with his mom and dad and saying, ‘Mommy, Daddy, what’s it called when a man hugs a woman?’And Mommy says, ‘Little Johnny, it’s called prostitution’?”

“Danger, thanks for the call. I appreciate it.I’ve never ever had a caller named ‘Danger’ before who was so innocent and harmless.”

“You know, I have a cousin who went to the US Military Academy at West Point and taught law there, so I know full well what it takes to get in there, what it means when you do, and how hard the work is when you’re there.”

“Which party has members that have accused Club Gitmo operatives of torture and being like Pol Pot’s regime? That would be Dick Durbin and the Democrat Party.So no wonder they feel defensive about patriotism.”

“If McCain still believes that somehow he can make this campaign honorable and on the issues as he wants it, then he’s going to have some problems.These people are out for his scalp!”

“The idea that Obama is some messianic figure who only wants the best for people is a joke. He is a thoroughly mean-spirited individual who lets other people do the attacking for him.”

“Frankly, I don’t think we need to be lectured on patriotism by Barack Obama. I mean, this isa guy who had a problem trying to figure out when and where to wear the American flag pin, for crying out loud!”

“The program never really ends — we just have a real long break at 3:00 Eastern.”