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• USA Today: Poll: Obama Response to Gulf Spill Rated Lower than Katrina Efforts
• WSJ: BP Dividend Debate: Reminder of Payout Uncertainty

“There’s a double standard of the elite Hollywood people. If something like this BP disaster had happened under the watchful eye of George Bush or even John McCain, the celebrities would be up in arms. Yet I would trust the solutions to solving this type of issue to those two men more than the others.” -Douglas Urbanski

• CBS: Obama Compares Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill to 9/11
• DN: Obama Says BP Oil Spill Impact ”Echoes” 9/11; Relative of WTC Victim Calls President ”Off-Base”

“Is Barack Obama the Mayor Nagin of this oil spill?” -Douglas Urbanski

• WT: Numerous Lobbyists Do BP’s Bidding

“I’d like to see Hollywood liberals be consistent in their display of compassion and not be such hypocrites. If they truly care about their fellow man and animals, why are they so silent when Obama’sdisplaying incompetence in this oil disaster situation?” -Douglas Urbanski

• WT: Leadership in the Abstract
• WSJ: “We Are Totally Unprepared”
• NYT: Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care

“America is at a crossroads moment. It’s not even about the words capitalism or communism anymore. It’s about the word ‘individual;’ it’s about the words ‘free enterprise.'” -Douglas Urbanski

• LAT: South Carolina Senate Primary Raises Questions

“If you live anyplace where officials have voted for tax increases and more spending, elect them out once and for all.” -Douglas Urbanski

• ANH: Britain Copies Canada’s Debt Reduction Solution

“You never hear any talk about the unions being ‘angry,’ do you? But the left insists on describing these tea party people as angry — and what’s wrong with being angry about the destruction of this country?” -Douglas Urbanski

• NYT: The Very Angry Tea Party

• CBS: Report: Abby Sunderland’s Dad Inked Reality Deal

• ABC: BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Jindal’s Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

“The barges are sitting there! Governor Jindal wants them being used! All of the Gulf Coast governors are asking the question today, ‘Who is in charge of this clean-up?'” — Douglas Urbanski

• BG: Democrats Make the Case for Jones Act Waiver

“There is an administration-imposed moratorium on drilling and there are administration officials who are suggesting that BP should pay the lost wages of oil industry workers who have been sidelined by the administration’s moratorium. That is the working definition of another man-made disaster, self-imposed, self-inflicted by the administration. It is mind-boggling!” -Douglas Urbanski

• WP: BP Agrees to $20 Billion Fund for Gulf Oil Spill Claims
• NYT: Obama’s Twist of BP’s Arm Stirs Debate on Frequent Tactic
• CNN: BP Adviser: Fund Will Act Independently to Pay Claims

“I know for a fact that Joe Barton’s apology to BP was completely appropriate. How do I know this? Because Joe Biden said it wasn’t, and the minute Joe Biden says it isn’t you know that it is.” — Douglas Urbanski

• CBS: Joe Barton’s Apology Continues to Spark Uproar

“Governor Bobby Jindal is showing the leadership skills we’re not seeing in the administration.” — Douglas Urbanski

• MN: Poll: Obama’s Doing OK Overall, But Not on the Gulf Spill
• WSJ: The United States of Throw the Bums Out

• Politico: Palin Backs More ‘Mama Grizzlies’

“My personal story embodies American exceptionalism. I lived the lie of the left and dwindled my life down so badly with meaninglessness that I ended up in the welfare state. It wasn’t until a Christian conversion and I started changing my decisions that my life changed. I completed college and then I started a business.” — Star Parker

“I’m a guaranteed vote when it comes to traditional values, limited government, free markets and a strong national defense.” — Star Parker

“The graphics at RushLimbaugh.com are the sort of thing that we in Hollywood would spend millions of dollars trying to create.” — Douglas Urbanski

• UPI: S.C. Dems Won’t Challenge Greene’s Win

“Conservatives plan while liberals scheme. Conservatives believe in elections to change things. Liberals believe in lawsuits and judges to fix and institutionalize things.” — Douglas Urbanski

• WP: Most Americans Back New Arizona Law, Washington Post-ABC News Poll Finds

• WP: Battles Brew Over Who Will Get Helen Thomas’s White House Seat; Bloomberg and Fox Trade Letters

• AOL: Police: Family Killed Dad for Changing TV to World Cup

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