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RUSH: The Clintonistas — the Clinton war machine, Clinton war room, Clinton, Inc. — has decided to go after Rudy Giuliani. The same crowd that condemned ‘the politics of personal destruction’ has sent Charlie Rangel out now to bash Rudy on his marriages. It’s The Situation Room and Wolf Blitzer talking to Rangel, Blitzer says, ‘You lashed out at Rudy’s personal life, some of the experiences he’s had, his multiple marriages, among other things.’

RANGEL: Two people, six spouses. It’s a little complicated if you’re not religious, especially when you’re running against a Mormon, but I’m just saying that America has to look at all of these things and that there are enough moles on this man that embarrasses those of us who have sought public life. When we get involved in public life, it means we’re in a goldfish bowl, and it would seem to me with all the breaks that the mayor has had in touching with Kerik and being involved, uhhh, with his personal problems, that he would thank God he’s got as far as where he did go without making the politicians get involved in his personal life.

RUSH: What do you mean ‘without getting the politicians involved in his personal life’? They all have been. They’ve run stories on his kids and the kids being interviewed –unlike Chelsea, who was sequestered and protected! What is this? ‘Two people, six spouses, it’s a little complicated if you’re not religious, especially when you’re running against a Mormon?’ A little gratuitous there, Chuck! It’s Chuck Rangel, here. I know you’re incredulous listening to this. To try to say that Rudy has baggage like this, and ignore the Clintons! He talks about the Clintons. He says, ‘Well, at least they stay married.’ Well, maybe the fact that she stayed married solely for the political advantage to a serial adulterer, who also committed sex acts with cigars in the Oval Office with a young girl — young enough to be his daughter — does that not embarrass you, Democrats? No, it obviously doesn’t, but for some reason we can go out, hit on Rudy for all his stuff while claiming that the Democrats never get involved in any of this. You know, in a sane world, in a sane political environment, where Charlie Rangel isn’t shooting off his mouth, what the Clintons have done is something to be ashamed of! It’s actually a r?sum? enhancement for them. This is a window into how nasty this is going to get next year. We’ve got one more bite from Rangel, and this is where he talks about Clinton. Blitzer said, ‘If Rudy’s personal life becomes an issue that opens tooter for Hillary, your candidate, her personal life becomes an issue as well.’

RANGEL: This woman got married, stayed married, the same husband. When they had problems, she stuck with him. You tell me what her personal life is something that she should be ashamed of, and I want to talk about it. But I’ll tell you one thing, that whether you like it enough (sic), personal lives, once you throw your hat in the ring, then you’re vulnerable to anything — and I can’t, for the life of me, see how you could compare anything that has been suggested that Hillary has done, as she’s been exposed to public scrutiny, and compare it with some like — like Rudolph Giuliani. No comparisons.

RUSH: We did this at the opening of the program, campaign finance scandals, engaging in acts that are dubious at least. But you throw her husband in the ring standing by this guy. Running the bimbo eruptions, Charlie, controlling them; listening in on wiretaps to people? I’m telling you, this is how dirty it’s going to get, and this is an illustration, folks, of the position of arrogance and certitude the Democrats are coming from. Nothing that they did, nothing the Clintons did, could be held against them because the Clintons don’t stand for standards. The Democrats do not make a point of having standards. The Republicans do, so they get held accountable to them. The Democrats don’t. So there is a double standard here, and they are going to try to take quick advantage of it.


RUSH: Ladies, may I have your attention, please. I’d really like you to listen to this. I would really love to know your thoughts on what you’re going to hear here. I know it’s going to be difficult because not all of you can reach me by way of telephone. This is a story from the Associated Press, about three hours ago is when it hit the wire. The headline of the story: ‘Clinton Talks of Bill’s Romantic Gifts.’ Do you think this is coincidental, coming the day after Charlie Rangel goes on CNN to rip into Rudy’s personal life? Nothing that happens with the Clintons is coincidental. However, that’s not my point. I want you to listen to some of the words Mrs. Clinton uses to describe her marriage, I want you ladies to do this, and I want you to see if they are words you would use.

‘Hillary Rodham Clinton says husband Bill often brings her romantic gifts: a giant wooden giraffe from an African trip, for example, and a Chanel watch that reminded him of teeth.’ Romantic gifts, a giant wooden giraffe and a Channel watch that reminded him of teeth? I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet. I’m having trouble understanding the romantic aspects of a giraffe in any circumstance or form. (interruption) Well, let’s not go there, Maimone. But a watch that reminds you of teeth? ”Oh he’s so romantic,’ the former first lady said in an interview for the November issue of Essence magazine. ‘He’s always bringing me back things from his trips.’ The watch had a bracelet made of white cubes. ‘I had dental surgery, and he said it reminded him of teeth,’ she said.’ Well, you know, that’s sort of like sending somebody a dozen roses when it’s her time of the month. I mean, dental surgery?

‘The New York senator, now a presidential candidate, said she is satisfied with the decisions she has made in her marriage. ‘Now obviously we’ve had challenges as everybody in the world knows,’ she said. ‘But I never doubted that it was a marriage worth investing in even in the midst of those challenges, and I’m really happy that I made that decision.” Okay. Invested. Does this sound like the language of love? When you feel the love in Mrs. Clinton describing her marriage as this stretchable wooden giraffe well, maybe a flexible wooden giraffe, and a watch that Bill said reminded him of teeth, because she’d had dental surgery, now she is happy she invested in — this sounds like a political speech. I mean, the Clintons use investment to talk about tax increases. ‘In 1998, news unfolded about her husband’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. While sticking it out might not be for everyone, Mrs. Clinton said women should support each other in the choices they make in their marriages.’

Now, this is a direct appeal to ladies. Mrs. Clinton is asking you to support her for her decision to hang in there. But we all know her decision to hang in there is based on one fact. In order for her to have any political viability whatsoever, her last name has to be Clinton. That’s the investment. The investment is keeping her last name Clinton. So this doesn’t sound like love and romance, and yet the headline is: ‘Clinton Talks of Bill’s Romantic Gifts.’ ‘While sticking it out might not be for everyone, Mrs. Clinton said women should support each other in the choices that they make in their marriages.’ Women should support each other? It Takes a Village to keep a marriage strong? In order for a marriage to work, women in the village must come together and support the abused, mistreated, taken-for-granted wife? Well, let’s not go there, no, no, no, no, I’m not talking about that, just talking about emotional. ‘I think it’s so important for women to stand up for the right of women to make a decision that is best for them.’

Now, I’m just your average run-of-the-mill guy, ladies and gentlemen. But these are not the words that I would use because these words would never occur to me when talking about marriage. Words like prison, obligation, honey-do’s — well, at the outset, love, devotion, forgiveness. I mean, the marriage vows, I have yet to be at a wedding where the preacher says, ‘Do you, H.R. Kit Carson, invest in your wife and promise to maintain that investment through thick and thin?’ It just doesn’t happen. Maybe at the John Kerry, Teresa Heinz wedding. ‘Mrs. Heinz, do you promise to invest in John Kerry regardless how little he’s able to earn on his own through thick and thin, even when he needs to sell half of the house you own to fund his presidential race?’ I guess there are different kinds of love, but these are not the words I would use to describe marriage. Look, ladies, I’m just kidding about words like ‘prison’ and this stuff. I just love stereotypical humor. I’m just kidding about this. I’m serious. Remember, Mrs. Clinton is on a push to attract women, that she’s nice now, and she’s likable, despite the 50% negatives, and yesterday they sent old Chuck Rangel out there to rip Rudy on his personal life being such an abomination, and now here she comes talking about Bill’s expandable giraffe from Africa, the teeth watch.

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