Brazen Deceit: Obama, BP Lied About “Top Kill” Timing, Success

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: The New York Times was able to ferret out a bit of deception. The story of the day is in the New York Times, a brazen bit of deceit. Obama goes to his press conference yesterday while everybody thinks that the top kill method is not only in progress at that moment but that we are having some success. However, the Times inadvertently publishes — I can’t believe they did this on purpose. Well, let me just read what they say here. This is exactly from the Times story: ‘The top kill effort has proceeded in fits and starts. BP officials, who along with government officials created the impression early Thursday that the strategy was working, disclosed later that they had stopped pumping on Wednesday night [the night before] when engineers saw that too much of the drilling fluid was escaping along with the oil.’ So when Obama did the press conference, ‘Plug the hole! Just plug the hole up!’

By the way, Sestak is the hole they really want to plug out there, folks. That’s the hole Obama really wants to plug. This Sestak report, that’s their top kill. That’s what they’ve gotta try to sweep away. But this story in the New York Times, they bury the lede and they don’t get the headline right, but this is amazing. This is a brazen bit of deceit. Obama needed some action going on. He needed some semblance of success so he could go out there and claim credit for this. (doing impression) ‘I’m in charge. Nothing is going on out there ’til they’ve been approved up by me. Uhhhh, they’re my Minerals Management Service people and Coast Guard. No, I’m in charge from day one. Laser-like focus!’ It turns out that the top kill procedure was not even going on yesterday. It had stopped the night before.

So we’re left here to wonder just what is real and what isn’t real with this administration — and here we get ‘The top kill effort has proceeded in fits and starts. BP officials, who along with government officials created the impression early Thursday that the strategy was working…’ Exactly WHO ‘created the impression…the strategy was working’? The Los Angeles Times… I think you’ll find, folks, the Los Angeles Times is the favored repository for so-called exclusive stories from the Obama White House, because obviously by geographical measures, they’re not in Washington. I mean they have a bureau there, but the LA Times is a whole coast away. They’re not inside the Beltway. They’re outsiders. And it was the LA Times who first yesterday broke the story that the top kill was working. If you reread their article: ‘Top Kill Plugs Gulf Oil Leak Official Says.’ I remember Drudge had a headline yesterday at MSNBC: ‘Plug May Be Happening!’ in the middle of the press conference. They weren’t even plugging it! The top kill had been suspended the night before, and there are stories in the LA Times: ‘Top Kill Plugs Gulf Oil Leak Official Says.’ It wasn’t true. None of it was true, and now we’re told we won’t know until Sunday whether or not this method is working. We all hope it does. This press conference yesterday, all kinds of people are now weighing in. It was a disaster.


RUSH: Now, here’s the LA Times story on the oil leak. This is where Obama goes. I’m sure you’ll find that the LA Times is used by the administration to drop exclusive news items. The LA Times seems to have been the one that broke the story yesterday that the top kill method was working. They only cited Admiral Allen of the Coast Guard. In fact they go on to say: ‘As of early Thursday morning, neither government nor BP officials had declared the effort a success yet, pending the completion of the cementing and sealing of the well.’ But today’s New York Times says, ‘BP officials, who along with government officials created the impression early in the day that the ‘top kill’ strategy was working, disclosed later that they had stopped pumping the night before when engineers saw that too much of the drilling fluid was escaping along with the oil.’

So the Sestak thing is what they’re really worried about but they’re using it to cloud this. I mean, there is raging incompetence here over the oil spill.