
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Folks, I have not been to bed. Everybody here is just excited and thrilled over this prospect, because when this happens, we get right up to the edge for most of the three hours. I left the broadcast complex yesterday afternoon right after the program, and I flew out to Wyoming last night for dinner with some friends; and because I’m going on vacation on Friday — I’ll be gone all of next week — I decided in devotion to you and service to the program and job to not take today off, so I flew back after dinner. I rolled into my compound here about five this morning, and I had some work, you know, show prep had accumulated, and I hadn’t done anything. I said to myself, ‘If I go to sleep, if I go up there and get in bed, it will be a half-hour before I fall asleep, 5:30, quarter of six. I’ll have to get up in an hour and a half. I’ll be wasted.’ So I just gutted it out. I actually feel pretty good. Snerdley went out and brewed a second pot of coffee about a half-hour ago, and I accused him of sabotaging the program by trying to wake me up.

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