Obama Finds New Rev. Wright Apr 25, 2011RUSH: Obama, March 20th of this year had a video message to the Iranian people for the Muslim...
If the Election Were Held Today Obama Would be a Landslide Loser Apr 25, 2011RUSH: Brit Hume, I think it was yesterday on Fox, joined me — so now there are two voices...
Fineman: GOP Drags Down Obama Apr 25, 2011RUSH: This is hilarious. This is hilarious. This was Friday night on PMSNBC, The Last Word with...
Doomsday for Unions, Democrats? Apr 25, 2011RUSH: Jack Kelly in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Unions on the Ropes — Public...
The Left’s Conspiratorial Hatred for Sarah Palin is Truly Unprecedented Apr 25, 2011RUSH: There’s a story in The Politico today. I don’t think I have ever read a piece of reporting...
Obama Presides Over US Decline, As Libs Use Jesus to Push Agenda Apr 25, 2011RUSH: I want to take you back to me. I love going back to me. I love going back to me as much as I...
Rush’s Morning Update: The Commander Apr 25, 2011Over the Easter weekend, Moammar Khadafy’s military launched a power assault on rebels holed up in...