Rush’s Morning Update: The Price

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 21,2011

The other day, I mentioned an AP poll of 18-24 year olds revealing they think the American dream is a myth. Now AP has released more details about the college students who participated. Almost 60 percent of them face massive student loan debts, and rely on their parents for financial help. Even so, the majority worry about weekly expenses. On average, they owe at least $25,000 in loans; debt of $50,000 is not uncommon. After graduation, they face unemployment due to the poor job market.

Average tuition, room, and board now stands at $16,000 a year for public universities. For kids attending private colleges, average is $37,000 a year. The excessive costs associated with obtaining a college education have been rising out of control for years not only leaving graduates with massive debt, but forcing many to drop out altogether.

That provokes a question. Why haven’t liberals who believe it is the mission of government to fix every perceived wrong in society reign in college costs? Especially since they believe a college education is just as much a “right” as healthcare? I know the answer: Liberals love attacking Big Business for price gouging, windfall profits, and exploiting society’s “little guys” – but their own industry – Big Higher Education – is exempt.

The left owns academia – lock, stock, and barrel. Colleges are little more than indoctrination camps, where today’s liberals train their future replacements. Thus they will pay any price, bear any burden – and let any price be paid to keep their gatekeepers happy! And themselves in fine scotch.

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