Don’t Buy It: The Sky Won’t Fall If We Don’t Raise the Debt Ceiling Apr 20, 2011RUSH: Michael in Villa Grove, Illinois. Welcome, you’re up next. It’s great to have you here on...
The News is Not Good for Obama Apr 20, 2011RUSH: I was talking about gas prices with Snerdley. In fact, I got a number of people e-mailing...
Obama’s Strange Easter Remark Apr 20, 2011RUSH: The Messiah said something. This just sounds strange. Let me find it. It’s Obama talking...
Grab a Mop and Help Ryan Get the Car Out of the Ditch, Mr. President Apr 20, 2011RUSH: Have you noticed — I’m sure you have, but let me remind you what you’ve seen. You...
With a Democrat in the Oval Office, Five Dollars a Gallon is No Big Deal Apr 20, 2011RUSH: It is so predictable. There’s MSNBC during their one-year retrospective impact of the Gulf...
Steve Wynn Rips Obamanomics Apr 20, 2011RUSH: Steve Wynn was on the Fox Business Channel, the Cavuto show last night. Wynn was on the...
Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz: A Gift to the Conservative Cause Apr 20, 2011RUSH: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who now runs the Democrat National Committee, or maybe hasn’t been...
IPAB: The Death Panels Apr 20, 2011USA Today: “Obama Administration Eases Pain of Medicare Cuts — Millions of seniors in...
Fighting for McJobs in Obamaville Apr 20, 2011RUSH: Speaking of health care waivers, remember Mickey D’s got one? Mickey D’s got a waiver, and...
Analysis: Trump, Perot, Populism, Conservatism and the Pop Culture Apr 20, 2011RUSH: Cincinnati and Ron. Greetings, with just to the EIB Network. By the way, Ron: Cincinnati,...