Every Apocalyptic Environmental Claim is a Full-Fledged Liberal Lie Apr 18, 2011RUSH: There’s actual global warming news. (laughing) We can’t get away from it. There actually is...
Obama Breaks Another Promise Apr 18, 2011RUSH: Did you hear Obama said that when he signed piece of legislation, he also signed a signing...
Barack Obama’s Power Depends on an Ever-Expanding Government Apr 18, 2011RUSH: Laura in Erie, Pennsylvania. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Oh, mega...
Right Now, Trump is Running Apr 18, 2011RUSH: Ever since Friday when Donald Trump most recently appeared on the big program here I have...
The Rich Paid More Taxes Due to the Reagan and Bush 43 Tax Cuts Apr 18, 2011RUSH: The views expressed by the host on this program, some of them have been stated for 22...
Tax Day: Half of US Pays Nothing Apr 18, 2011RUSH: Stop and think about it, folks, even the tax code — especially, I’d say, the tax code...
Schieffer Interview with Ryan Shows Us the Problem We Face Apr 18, 2011All right, Tax Day. This is the day that everybody has to file their returns today or file for an...
Rush’s Morning Update: Just Politics Apr 18, 2011On Sunday’s “Meet the Depressed,” Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner...
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Cure-A-Thon Breaks $3 Million Mark Apr 18, 2011RUSH: Folks, despite a website crash at the end of the program on Friday — and by the way,...