Cuomo Cuts Government, Doesn’t Raise Taxes! Will People Starve? Apr 5, 2011RUSH: I have an interesting story here, ladies and gentlemen, from the New York Daily News. It’s...
Democrats Take No Responsibility for a Budget Mess They Created Apr 5, 2011RUSH: Let’s go to Chris Van Hollen. He’s the point Democrat on the Appropriations Committee,...
Rush’s Morning Update: Obama’s War Apr 5, 2011Michael Kinsley, who was once a sort of relevant liberal pundit, has his shorts in a wad over...
If the Government is Gonna Be Shutdown, Own It, Republicans! Apr 5, 2011RUSH: Well, let’s see, John Boehner has left the morning meeting with Obama over the budget...
ACLU Rips Regime Over 9/11 Trials Apr 5, 2011RUSH: Oh, my gosh, the ACLU has condemned the decision for military trials at Club Gitmo! The ACLU...
Big Budgets are NOT Compassion Apr 5, 2011RUSH: Paul Ryan, by the way, we’ve got more audio coming up of him, is also mentioning that...
What If Your Congressperson or President Saw a Disaster Coming and Did Nothing to Avoid It? Apr 5, 2011RUSH: All the news shows, ladies and gentlemen, are in a tizzy over the latest news here that a...
Rush: Cut Tax Dollars for the Rich Apr 5, 2011RUSH: I’ll tell you what we’ll do. Let’s cut tax dollars for the rich right now. Let’s defund what...
We Don’t Need Another Messiah Apr 5, 2011RUSH: John in Ashland, Virginia. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.CALLER:...
Obama Fears Blame for Shutdown Apr 5, 2011RUSH: I have it in the stack from yesterday. It’s about Hillary supporters miserably unhappy with...