RUSH: Diane in West Union, Illinois, is next on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi.
CALLER: Rush, Mr. Wonderful. What a pleasure to speak to you.
RUSH: Thank you.
CALLER: It really is an honor.
RUSH: Thanks very much.
CALLER: Every day we learn something from you.
RUSH: Appreciate that. I do, too, actually. (laughs)
CALLER: (laughs) The question I had for you because I feel like I’m the only one that saw this on TV, I feel like they’re using everything that’s happening like in Libya to, you know, take away everything that we’re seeing. Yesterday morning I just happened to see on TV on Fox, Obama’s little speech there in Brazil. He said that we’re gonna give them $2 billion to drill oil, and we’ll be the best customers that they ever had.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: Nobody is talking about it.
RUSH: You know, you’re right, and I must admit that I didn’t mention it here on this program. The reason I didn’t is that I have mentioned it — and don’t misunderstand, I just want to say this for the record.
CALLER: Mmm-hmm?
RUSH: We have mentioned Obama and his associations with Petrobras for months on this program: $10 billion to start their drilling. Just last week we had a story where we’re giving them even more money for a floating, underwater oil storage depot.
CALLER: That’s horrible.
RUSH: While not permitting domestic drilling in this country, we are paying and investing in —
CALLER: Exactly.
RUSH: — Brazil’s oil drilling and distribution largely because, I think (it’s not the only reason), George Soros is a primary investor in Petrobras.
CALLER: Right. I mean we can invest $2 billion there but not create any jobs here with oil production or coal or anything else?
RUSH: No, we’ve gotta shut down our oil production here.
CALLER: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
RUSH: Meanwhile, the ChiComs can explore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico with the Cubans, the Vietnamese are looking into it — and of course our friends the Mexicans continue to drill.
CALLER: Mmm-hmm. Well, don’t half of them have drilling on and off our shores anyways?
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: Yeah. But yet our people can’t have any jobs or create any wealth in doing this as well.
RUSH: It makes you wonder.
CALLER: Mmm-hmm.
RUSH: It does make you wonder.
CALLER: Right. I mean, we half expected him to make this little sidestep.
RUSH: By the way, a correction: George Soros pulled out of Petrobras last August, I’m told. He still has some shares in it but he pulled out most of his investment there. So this is a strict investment with the country now. Obama to Brazil.
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