Rush’s Morning Update: No Fear February 23, 2011

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 22,2011

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Somali pirates killfour kidnapped Americans whose only crime was sailing around the world, handing out Bibles. Our Navy warship was nearby amidst negotiations, but it didn’t matter:the Americans were executed. In recent weeks, a US immigration and customs agent was killed in Mexico, and other citizens– including college students– have been murdered.

Pakistan is still holding a US citizen with diplomatic immunity who defended himself from an attack on Pakistani soil; he works for the CIA. John F. Kerry (the haughty senator whoserved in Vietnam)was sent over to talk to the Paks, but they refuse to free our guy.

Iran continues to hold two American hikers they arrested in 2009; no release in sight. This week Iran brazenly sailed two warships through the Suez Canal –a major provocation to our ally, Israel. North Korea is demanding food again, despite their breaking their nuke agreement with us and their attacks on our ally, South Korea.

Egypt: Obama is laughed at. Bahrain: our Fifth Fleet is based there, but we have no influence. Libya ignores our calls to stop butchering their own people. South America: Venezuela and Bolivia routinely scorn us. The ChiComsignore our demands to stop manipulating their currency, still steal our intellectual property at will, launch cyber attacks on us, and steal our military technology.

Around the world, folks, there’sno fear and no respect for Obama, and, by extension, America. Democrats, are you even aware of the precarious place your party has putour country in? Hmm?

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