Rush’s Morning Update: Research! December 9, 2010

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 8,2010

Rush’s Morning Update: Research!
December 9, 2010

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Alright, folks: add this to the list of things it took a study to uncover. Apparently olderguys still like sex. Yes,I know that this is breaking news to some of you, but it took Zoe Hyde from the University of Western Australia, and a bunch of her fellow researchers, to learn this truth.

Ms. Hyde and company surveyed over 2,500 men between the ages of 75 and 95,and they were stunned to find out the old guys were still interested in sex. How much sex they had was directly related to their testosterone levels. The older that the guys are,the less chance they have of actually being sexually active. The research team is urging doctors to do follow-up studies to determine if testosterone replacement therapy might benefit these older guys.

Another shock:even the guys who score complain that they aren’t scoring enough –40 percent of these old guysare dissatisfied with the frequency of activity. They want more; imagine that! Even among guys in their 90s, a fifth say they want to be more active. That, according to the researchers, refutes the “myth” that older people are asexual.

Now, there are other issues besides testosterone that determine if older gentlemen get lucky. Illness is one reason, of course; another is, ahem, “the lack of an interested partner.” But, for the record, it is now official:men, as long as they are breathing, want to have sex. With someone beside themselves. The beasts! Thank God for researchers…where would we be without them?Look at all we wouldn’t know.

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