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RUSH: I want to give you, ladies and gentlemen, a side-by-side, A-B comparison of how the media does it. This is Joy Behar, Maude Behar on yesterday’s The View. After they played a Sharron Angle for Senate ad, Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd talked about it.

MAUDE: I’d like to see her do this ad in the South Bronx. Come here, bitch! Come to New York and do it.

AUDIENCE: (cackling)

SHEPHERD: You know, I’m praying for her.

MAUDE: She’s going to hell!

SHEPHERD: You know, I’m praying that her heart gets saved.

MAUDE: She’s going to hell, this bitch.

SHEPHERD: I’m praying for her.

RUSH: ‘Come in here,’ b-i-itch! Joy Behar on Barbara Walter’s show, and I’m watching MSNBC this morning as they always this, and is there any outrage over it? No. They’re discussing, ‘Will it be effective? Will Behar’s comment actually help Reid?’ Meanwhile, on MSNBC last night there was this discussion about me.

LARRY O’DONNELL: Rush inserts the mandatory phrase in there, ‘no one is condoning the manhandling,’ then every other word he says condones the manhandling, doesn’t it?

ILYSE HOGUE: It sounds like Rush Limbaugh is attacking 23-year-old Lauren Valle for actually criticizing a financial institution that most Americans agree have gotten away with murder. They’ve gotten bonuses; Americans are losing their homes. They have record profits; jobs are being outsourced to overseas. Why is Rush Limbo (sic)…? Why is Rand Paul not holding those corporations accountable but willing to point fingers at 110-pound, 23-year-old woman?

RUSH: This is about Lauren Valle, the MoveOn.org babe who was dressed in a disguise, had a foreign object (a phony award she said later) trying to give it to Rand Paul. What would the Secret Service have done if she had tried that move on Obama? By the way, I thought it was good to put your ‘boot on the neck’ of your opponent. We had our ‘boot’ on BP’s neck, said Obama, and many minions in his administration. But, you see be with there’s outrage over the fact that I support this woman being stopped. There’s total outrage, and yet when Maude Behar calls Angle a b-i-itch and tells her to go to hell, the media analyzes it and asks, ‘Will it help Harry Reid? Could it possibly help Harry Reid and fire up the Democrats?’

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