Krystal Ball: What’s the Big Deal?

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 13,2010

RUSH: I don’t know how many of you tried to find the picture we were talking about yesterday of Krystal Ball. I’m wondering how many of you did. She’s reacted to it, and what she’s trying to say is that she is the first person in this wired age where everybody puts everything about themselves on websites, they have embarrassing pictures of her, and she’s mad about it, and she’s really, really angry about it. And the reaction that she’s getting to that is not good. I mean people run for office and what happens in your past is going to be dredged up.
You laugh about it, you ignore it, or you say, ‘Yeah, that’s what I did in my youth,’ blah, blah, blah. Palin’s had this stuff happen to her. Every politician has and most of them just laugh it off, but they don’t act truly outraged and angry about it like she apparently is, and even among Democrats her reaction to this is said to be unbecoming. So, anyway, she’s 30 years old, and those pictures were four, five, six years ago? I mean she’s running as a Democrat. I don’t understand the big deal anyway. I mean this stuff is resume enhancement for Democrats. I don’t understand the controversy here at all.