RUSH: Here’s Kelly in Tampa. Great to have you. First call today. EIB Network. Hi.
RUSH: Well, when did you realize this?
CALLER: The way the economy is going right now —
RUSH: Was it after Obama was inaugurated?
CALLER: That, and the job situation —
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: — it just really started accumulating.
RUSH: Right. So you may not be able to put your finger on it but you know as an American this isn’t the way it’s supposed to happen here. We got a guy who says the border is too big, the leak is too big, we can’t fix any of these things, while they continue to just get worse and worse and worse. This is just not the way things happen in this country and everybody — well, more and more people, like Kelly here — are starting to realize this, on their own, which is the best way for it to happen.