Coming Soon: The Wedding Photos

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 28,2010

RUSH: Snerdley came in today and asked me, ‘So have you picked any pictures to post from the wedding and the reception and the parties on your website?’ Well, folks, we’ve changed our mind. We are going to do this. We are going to post some pictures, but we now have a challenge. We got back from Minneapolis last night about eight o’clock, and by ten o’clock all 5,000 came in — all 5,000 photos — and this is going to be a project to pick ’em. ‘Cause some of these are works of art. They’re not just photographs. We can’t put ’em all up there. I spoke to Elton John last week and we’ve gotten permission from him to post pictures of him during his performance and with us and some other people backstage prior to the performance.

So we’re gonna try to put a package together as soon as we can and get the pictures up there. They’ll be at RushLimbaugh.com. (sigh) I hope we get a couple up there this week, but it’s really tough. These are that good. You know, we banned cameras. We did not let anybody bring their own cameras in there for a whole host of reasons. We didn’t want unauthorized pictures. So we promised all the guests that we’d get pictures of them to them. We gotta do that, too. That’s going to be an all-summer-long project, plus I have to sit here and serve humanity each and every day, plus do The Haney Project on the Golf Channel. Of course, there’s my new aerobic training which may need once or twice a week, but it’s all part of the mix. (chuckling) Yes. I just wanted to tell you that we are working on it.