EIB’s Where to Find Food Program

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 16,2010

RUSH: ‘Record Number of US Kids Facing Summer of Hunger — With the school year ending in communities across America, more than 16 million children face a summer of hunger.’ Now, Michelle Obama told us they’re all so fat and outta shape and overweight that a summer off from government eating might be just the ticket. Could it be possible?

‘While classes were in session, they relied on free or discount –‘ and this of course takes into no account that the parents I guess just sit around and let their kids starve. Why, if the schools don’t do it the kids are going to starve. ‘The children caught in the gap will likely spend the next few months cadging leftovers from neighbors, chowing down on cheap junk, lining up with their families at food banks that are already overmatched or simply learning to live with a constant headache, growling stomach and chronic fatigue. When school rolls around again in the fall, they will be less healthy and less ready to learn than their peers.’ God, we can’t escape these people. We just can’t escape ’em. They live in the utter deniability of basic human nature. They actually have it in their head somehow that parents are so rotten that they will let their kids go hungry and starve, unless the schools take care of it.


RUSH: Folks, we’re gonna move forward here probably on where to find food this summer. If you’re a child to be soon starving because your school is closed, and you find no other way to eat, we’re just in the preliminary stages but, you know, we do the beta versions with you. Here’s just one of the intros to intro this forthcoming segment just so you can hear what it sounds like.

(teenage boys spoof)

RUSH: Yeah, I like it, I like it, and we’ll have multiple places each and every day. We care. We’re trying to make a difference here at the Excellence in Broadcasting Network, it’s that simple and we’re not going to sit here and stand idly by while teenagers starving simply because school is out. I can’t in good conscience do that.