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RUSH: Let’s run to audio sound bite number 14. This is somewhat associated with this. Last night on Hardball with Chris Matthews their chief Obama apologist, Richard Wolffe, was on there. He’s an author and so forth. You know, it’s tough to assign ‘chief’ Obama apologist to anybody at MSNBC because the competition is so close. But we’ll give it to Wolffe here on a nod. Matthews says, ‘You keep bringing up magic name, Sarah Palin. She’s talking again this week about ‘death panels.’ All they had was a provision that one Congressman suggested, which is you can get payment if you want to get counseling on those issues like, you know, deciding what you’re going to do at the end of your life, what kind of treatment you want at the end to keep you alive. It happens all the time. It’s not a ‘death panel.’ She just made that up.’

WOLFFE: Death panels —

MATTHEWS: (interrupting) Yeah!

WOLFFE: — got repeated over and over. We’re seen the same thing again about these 16,000 IRS agents. Okay? It is (sic) gone through senator’s mouths —

MATTHEWS: (screaming) What’s that? What’s that whopper!

WOLFFE: Senators mouths, congressmen’s mouths —

MATTHEWS: (screaming) Well, tell me the whopper so I know what it is!

WOLFFE: The idea is that the IRS is hiring all of these THOUSANDS of people to enforce the mandate, but in fact the IRS’s responsibility is to put out tax credits, not to collect revenue.

MATTHEWS: Mmph! Okay!

RUSH: Do you believe what you just heard? The chief Obama apologist at MSNBC just said, ‘ The idea is that the IRS is hiring all of these thousands of people to enforce the mandate, but in fact the IRS’s responsibility is to put out tax credits, not to collect revenue.’ The purpose of the IRS is to not collect revenue — this from Richard Wolffe, the chief apologist for Obama at MSNBC. So all these thousands of agents have been hired to make sure you get your tax credit handed out to you. Right. Uh-huh.

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