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Rush’s Morning Update: Spies!
March 18, 2010

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For those of you who spend endless hours “tweeting” on Twitter, “friending” on Facebook, linking on LinkedIn, and spacing out on MySpace, you havea new friend out there.

Federal law enforcement officials have gone undercoverwith false online profiles; they’re now monitoring the activities of suspects, while gathering all sorts of private info available on social networking sites. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco-based civil liberties group, obtained a Justice Department document through the Freedom of Information Act.

While the document outlines what the feds are doing, it “doesn’t really discuss any mechanisms for accountability, or ensuring that government agents use those tools responsibly,” says the Foundation’s attorney, Marcia Hoffman.

Now, I remember well– perhaps you do, too– the Bush years. Outraged Democrat lawmakers and enraged liberal journalists werescreaming over the Patriot Act provision because Bush wanted to spy on terrorists in America who were placing calls overseas –and the unthinkable: they might even check records in public libraries!Liberal groups sued thephone companies for allowing the feds to spy,and Democrats backed those groups every step of the way.

Well now with Democrats in charge, what do we have? The Obama Justice Department — deploying federal agents,falsifying profiles,trolling the social network scene– to spy on you!Do they have warrants? Who knows! And who cares! Fat cat Democrats are running the show, now, so privacy — and every other concern– is nowyesterday’s news.

“Tweet” well. Heh-heh… I wouldn’t be caught dead there because I knew this kind of stuff would happen!

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