Fainting Before The One Again?

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 16,2010

RUSH: This is Amanda in Ironton, Ohio. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. How are you today?

RUSH: Very well. Thank you.

CALLER: Well, I was watching C-SPAN yesterday, our anointed one was in Cleveland, and I’m from Ohio, and that was not a fainting spell that the guy was having there. What he was doing, this is exactly what happened, he said, ‘Get that guy a medic, he needs a medic. I think that guy needs a medic,’ and the C-SPAN cameras panned over and there’s four to six cops dragging this guy out of there. And so they pan back to Obama. And I heard this lady shout out ‘how dare you’ and then he went on with his, you know, same old, same old.

RUSH: You mean a woman shouted at Obama ‘how dare you,’ meaning how dare you lie about this?

CALLER: I think it was how dare you stifle this man’s freedom of speech because you have a right to not agree with Obama.

RUSH: Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. So the guy didn’t faint?

CALLER: No! He was being drug off by four to six cops, and him saying that he needed a medic, that was a lie, among many that day. That basically telling the cops to drag that guy out of there, he was disrupting his lie fest, I guess.

RUSH: Nothing’s genuine! I mean every story I read talked about this poor guy who fainted. Now, we never heard what happened to him as a result of fainting. We were snookered again, maybe.


RUSH: All right, we had a caller say she watched this on C-SPAN yesterday and the fainter didn’t faint, that the fainter was pulled out of there by four to six cops. We’ve got a little sound bite here. We’re working on a couple of others, too. It looks like the caller was right. Here is how it went down.

OBAMA: Anybody here, if you lost your job right now and — and — and — and after the COBRA ran out…

WOMAN: (unintelligible)

OBAMA: Looks like we got somebody who might have, uh, fainted down there. So if we’ve got a medic.

WOMAN: (unintelligible)

OBAMA: No, no, no, no. Hold on. Uh, I’m talking about there’s somebody who might have fainted right down here, so… So if we can get, uh, a medic, just back here. Th-they’re probably okay. Just give her — or him — some space.

RUSH: Now, we think what is unintelligible there, it is first time you hear somebody yelling, it looks like… By the way, I’d like to ask, did anybody in this place yesterday have a job? ‘Did you lose your job right now ’cause of…?’ Did anybody, any of these 200 people have a freaking job? ‘Anyway, anybody here if you lost your job right now,’ audience member faints, we think at that point somebody yelled, ‘How dare you?’ or maybe it was later in the clip. ‘So we’ve gotta get a medic,’ audience member yells something intelligible, but we think it’s a second instance where somebody yells, ‘How dare you?’ because nobody fainted. ‘Uh, uhhh, no, no, no. Hold on. Talk about somebody might have fainted down there. Can we get a medic? Here, listen to it again. You’re not going to be able to understand the unintelligible, but I think I’ve got a clip located where we can understand. I’m not sure. I’m making no promises here. I got stuff flooding in at me like you can’t believe here, and I’m the one guy trying to organize it for everybody else to get it done while hosting the program. So here’s the first of what I hope is going to be two or three of these that have a little bit more clarity to them.

OBAMA: Anybody here, if you lost your job right now and — and — and — and after the COBRA ran out…

WOMAN: (unintelligible)

OBAMA: Looks like we got somebody who might have, uh, fainted down there. So if we’ve got a medic.

WOMAN: (unintelligible)

OBAMA: No, no, no, no. Hold on. Uh, I’m talking about there’s somebody who might have fainted right down here, so… So if we can get, uh, a medic, just back here. Th-they’re probably okay. Just give her — or him — some space.

RUSH: Now while all this is happening, four or six cops are dragging this clown out, and we think that somebody said ‘How dare you?’ during it. We’re on the case. We’re looking for other bites. Now, we had a caller recently asking about Obama’s low numbers and will that mean that he’s lost all influence and power in the Democrat Party and so forth? ‘No, no, no.’ The way to look at this is: Have you wondered why…? To understand Obama, it’s a conflict because we know he’s a narcissist but a narcissist really doesn’t care what you think about him ’cause he loves himself so much. The fact that you can’t just means that you’re screwed up. He’s a narcissist first and he looooves himself, and if you don’t get that, tough toenails. Bill Clinton was not a narcissist. Clinton was a sociopath. If you didn’t like him, it was his intention to make you like him.

If there were a hundred people in a room, he could find the one in there that didn’t like him. He’d zero in on them and try to persuade them into loving him. Obama doesn’t care. He loves himself too much. So he doesn’t care what people think. Obviously he doesn’t. If he cared what people thought, he wouldn’t be doing this. He’s simply pragmatic and practical. So he knows even if — even if — he doesn’t get the bill passed, he’s toast. He’s toast. Whichever way this goes, his popularity is going to continue to plummet. So have you noticed all of a sudden out of the blue we’re talking amnesty now? Why? Replacement voters. Twenty-five million or 12 million, whatever it is — new voters just in time for 2012, who will owe their citizenship to him — to replace the voters that he’s losing in this process. He doesn’t care. People do not understand, and it’s very difficult to get your arms around a personality that you don’t associate being president of the United States. We think of presidents as decent and good and patriotic Americans who love us and love the country.

We don’t have any of that. We got a Third World president. We’ve got a guy who is willing to destroy his country in order to still love himself when he looks at himself in the mirror. Third World. People like Kim Jong-il do that. People like Kim Il-sung did that. Castro. Chavez. You name it. They destroy their country to make themselves look good or to save face. That’s what we have going on here with health care. So we’re past the point of return here where he can turn everybody around and make him loved again. I mean, the Obama of the campaign will never be again. That Obama will never be. But he’s still gonna need to get reelected if he wants to. How does he do it? He’s gotta find replacement voters. Bammo! Here comes amnesty being discussed right on the heels of this. Make no mistake. However this turns out, there’s no let-up. None whatsoever.


RUSH: All right now, we have a couple more examples of the faint that wasn’t a faint. This first one is from MSNBC.

OBAMA: Give her or him some space.

Male Audience Member: I hope he has insurance! (laughter)

Female Audience Member: How dare you!

OBAMA: So — so — so let’s — just —

RUSH: You could hear it plain as day there, ‘how dare you.’ And it kept going, ‘how dare you.’ So what happened, apparently it was somebody in the audience who was speaking out against the health care plan, probably somebody who has a job. Well, doubt that anybody in there had a job. Probably somebody that didn’t have a job and really wishes he were focusing on that. How dare you, how dare you. And Obama vamps to get the guy out of there, said, oh, medic, medic, somebody’s fainted. And they come in and they start dragging the guy out when he hadn’t fainted at all, he was just giving Obama the business. (interruption)Yeah, they were fainting everywhere, everybody loved him. That Obama, like told you yesterday, we’re never going to see that Obama again. We’ll see Obama, but we’re not going to see that kind of adoration, love, blind support, those days are gone.

Here’s the C-SPAN version, and let’s see if it’s any more intelligible here.

OBAMA: Give her or him some space.

Male Audience Member: I hope he has insurance! (laughter)

Female Audience Member: How dare you!

OBAMA: So — so — so let’s — just —

RUSH: So that’s the same clip, two different sources, MSNBC and C-SPAN. We have a CNN version? Well, just came in. That’s strange, it didn’t go through me, usually it goes through me before — well anyway, here’s CNN’s version.

OBAMA: Give her or him some space.

Male Audience Member: I hope he has insurance! (laughter)

Female Audience Member: How dare you!

OBAMA: So — so — so let’s — just —

RUSH: He did sound a little bit unnerved there. Yeah. Hope he has insurance, hope he has insurance. Well, fascinating, is it not, fascinating, is it not? So the fainter didn’t faint. Even that was made up. Cops dragging the guy away, but you gotta give Obama credit. I mean that’s a quick vamp. That is a quick vamp, call for cops when somebody’s giving you the business and get ’em outta there. It might have been a prearranged code. I gotta remember that. I never get heckled when I go anywhere but if I ever do, ‘Medic! Medic! Somebody had a heart attack.’ (laughing) Right. (laughing)