Flashback: Barry Mocked McCain’s Blue-Ribbon Commission Proposal

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 22,2010

RUSH: this blue ribbon commission business, this is kind of fun. Let’s go to the audio sound bites. During the campaign, Obama ridiculed McCain’s idea for a fiscal commission, a blue ribbon commission, to study our debt. McCain proposed it, too, and Obama, September 16th, 2008, in Golden, Colorado, said…

OBAMA: This morning, instead of offering up concrete plans to solve these issues, Senator McCain offered up the oldest Washington stunt in the book: You pass the buck to a commission to study the problem. (laughter) Here’s the thing. This isn’t 9/11. We know how we got into this mess. What we need now is leadership that gets us out. (cheers and applause) I’ll provide it, John McCain won’t, and that’s the choice for Americans in this election.

RUSH: Okay. So September 16th, 2008, it’s the oldest Washington stunt in the book, you pass the buck to a commission to study the problem. Here’s Obama last Thursday.

OBAMA: Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles are taking on the impossible. They’re going to try to restore reason to the fiscal debate and come up with answers as cochairs of the new National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. I’m asking them to produce clear recommendations on how to cover the costs of all federal programs by 2015 and to meaningfully improve our long-term fiscal picture.

RUSH: It’s the oldest Washington stunt in the book and just a year and a half ago, Barry Obama was ridiculing it.