RUSH: Sean in western Massachusetts, great to have you, sir, with us on the EIB Network. Hi.
CALLER: Hello, Rush, how are you today?
RUSH: Excellent, sir. Thank you.
CALLER: I’m calling to give your listeners a glimmer of hope. I’m a Teamster member for about 15 years. A good friend of mine has been a Teamster for 35 years, been a die-hard Democrat, he admitted it, he’s a liberal from the word go. After he voted for Obama he sees what he’s doing to this country, said to me two weeks ago, ‘Sean, I am now a Republican, and going to vote Republican. This guy is destroying the USA.’
CALLER: Oh no, it took me about five years to convert him. I was called every name, you know, you’re a commie —
CALLER: — how can you vote Republican. But after he voted for Obama —
RUSH: But the tipping point was Obama?
CALLER: Oh, yes, that sent him right over the edge. People are losing their houses, jobs, and this guy wants health care and to socialize America.
RUSH: Yeah. And, of course, Obama was going to keep everybody in their houses, Obama was —
CALLER: Hasn’t happened.
RUSH: Obama is going to make sure everybody had gasoline in the car and so forth. Well, you know, I have to think that this is happening to a lot of people across the country. If you look at the polling data, you see cratering on his issues and in his approval rating.