America 2009: The Circle of Strife
RUSH: I think the best way to describe what’s happening in America today is a circle of strife,...State-Run Media Scum Smear Rush Using Fabricated Quotes
RUSH: Folks, also, I don’t know what to do today. I really don’t know what to do. The audio sound...PMSNBC Hosts Come Unhinged
RUSH: The people at MSNBC are unhinged. It seems like MSNBC both yesterday and today was playing...Snowe Votes Yes on Baucus Bill Tax Increases and Medicare Cuts
RUSH: Well, the State-Controlled Media is just over the top here, folks. They can’t believe it....Experts: Democrats Must Attack
RUSH: There’s a story out there today, NBC Chicago, about all the profanity being uttered in the...Outrage! Obama Denied Sainthood and the Nobel Prize for Economics
RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an outrage, it is an absolute outrage. Our president has been...Rush’s Morning Update: Lay Down… October 13, 2009
Rush’s Morning Update: Lay Down… October 13, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...Monday Quotes: Your Alpha Male in a World of Betas
You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”If I’m controversial,...Why Doesn’t What’s Happening in Detroit Embarrass Our President?
RUSH: Folks, I want to take you back to last week. I want to go back to Detroit, Cobo Center, last...White House Push for Obamacare Isn’t Going Down as It Was Planned
RUSH: Let’s talk a little health care, ladies and gentlemen, ’cause tomorrow there’s a big, big...Sad: Al Sharpton Goes After Rush
RUSH: Snerdley hasn’t said anything to me, but he’s looking at me since the show began, ‘Why...A Response to Hateful Slander
RUSH: Now, let me address one thing. The e-mail is loaded today with people requesting my comment...Columbus Day Under Assault
RUSH: There are countless stories in the stack today about what teachers are teaching kids about Columbus.