CNN Finds Shrink to Analyze You Oct 19, 2009RUSH: Folks, you probably didn’t hear this because it’s on CNN. It’s hilarious now. They’ve got a...
Caller Blames Rush for Promoting Story on Health Care Rationing Oct 19, 2009RUSH: Let’s take a phone call from Lorain, Ohio. It’s Brian. I’m glad you called, sir. You’re up...
Liberals Unhappy with Obama Oct 19, 2009RUSH: Dwight in Indianapolis. Indianapolis is, by the way, the home of the owner of the...
Liberals Unhappy with Obama Oct 19, 2009RUSH: Dwight in Indianapolis. Indianapolis is, by the way, the home of the owner of the...
The Hutch and Juan Williams Stand Up for Rush and the Truth Oct 19, 2009RUSH: Okay, I will accede to this. I’m being bombarded, as I have been all morning. I’ve been...
Obama Targets Insurance Industry, Attacks the Chamber of Commerce Oct 19, 2009RUSH: We were leading, as we always do, the cutting edge on this — White House now trying to...
Calypso Louie Farrakhan Marks Anniversary of Million Man March Oct 19, 2009RUSH: Yesterday in Memphis they had an event celebrating (I think) the 14th anniversary of the...
Official Obama Criticizer Goes Viral Oct 19, 2009RUSH: If you were here on Friday, you heard a rant by our Official Obama Criticizer, Bo Snerdley,...
EIB Media Tweak of the Day: Why El Rushbo Loves Lotteries Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Rasmussen Reports: ‘Most Americans like state lotteries and think state governments...
Who Came First, Bauer or Rapp Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Here’s Don in Indianapolis, welcome to the program, sir. Great to have you here.CALLER:...
White House Communications Director Anita Dunn Praises Mao Oct 16, 2009RUSH: I just checked the e-mail while I was on a call, and I got a couple naysayers, ‘Come...
Obama Ditches New Orleans for $34,000-a-Couple DNC Fundraiser Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites. Savannah Guthrie, an NBC infobabe on Scarborough’s show...
How Diverse is Jim Irsay’s NFL? Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Rich in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, great to have you with us on Open Line Friday. Hello,...
US Health Care Turning Japanese? Oct 16, 2009This is Gordon in Lakeland, Florida. Nice to have you on the program, sir, hello.CALLER: Thanks...
My Secret Scheme to Make the State-Run Media Abandon Obama Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Folks, look. You and I now know and we’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, they don’t...
Jay Leno Zings NFL Hypocrisy Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number six, Jay Leno last night on The Jay Leno Show on NBC. LENO:...
Wayne Huizenga Backs Rush; Report Says Checketts Eying Faulk Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Now, here’s Wayne Huizenga. Wayne Huizenga this morning on Bloomberg News, the correspondent...
Juan Williams Defends Rush, Gets Smeared by Another Guest on Fox Oct 16, 2009RUSH: Last night on the O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel Juan Williams was a guest along...
Documented: Obama Involvement in Smear Campaign Against Rush Oct 16, 2009Ladies and gentlemen, at we have posted a series, a large number of links from...
Rush’s Morning Update: Relax October 19, 2009 Oct 16, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: RelaxOctober 19, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...