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Rush’s Morning Update: Petty
October 22, 2009

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Last week,after Fox News aired video of Anita Dunn quotingMao Tse-tung (who she called one of her “favorite political philosophers”),the Obama White House went ballistic. First, they blackballed Fox,banning White House staff from appearing on the network. Then they backtracked, retreating to their standard smear campaign — supported by the State-Controlled Media.

Meanwhile,the White House is at war with the US Chamber of Commerce, over the Chamber’s objections to health care and cap-and-tax proposals that will ruin American businesses;Obama consigliere Valerie Jarrett is leading the charge to smear the Chamber.

Now, my friends, the White House enemies list is growing. Obama has smeared doctors, insurance companies, auto and finance execs, media critics, and lots of others. He routinely accuses opponents of lying, greed, spreading misinformation, and worse. (All of the things he does!)

All this points to who this president is, and what the presidency has become. Obama proudly proclaims he want to usher in “fundamental changes” to our republic. He lacks public support for any of his schemes, but yet he and his minions throw thin-skinned temper tantrums at anybody who offers critical analysis of his plans.

Those who have studied history (like I have)know what happens when a thin-skinned, totalitarian narcissistwith no constraintshas the power to squash dissent: they justannihilate all opposition. But, thanks to the genius of our Founders, we have checks and balances,and regular elections,to limit the damage that a petty president– like this one– can do… if thoseelections are fair. Anybody ever heard of ACORN?

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